Guide to Genetics - Space Station 13 Wiki (2024)

Geneticists have access to GeneTek consoles and scanners. These devices can, with enough patience, reward you with superpowers, crippling disabilities, or just amusing Mutations.

GeneTek console and GeneTek scanner are machines that help Geneticists activate Mutations. Click the GeneTek console to start.

All cooldowns are measured in seconds.

To lock an occupant inside the GeneTek scanner right click on the GeneTek scanner and choose Scanner Lock. The occupant can sometimes break out by flipping (R). To unlock the GeneTek scanner click Scanner Lock again.

There is a finite amount of air in the GeneTek scanner, so it is possible but unlikely for occupants to suffocate.

Research Materials are a currency shared by all GeneTek consoles.

Every organism has Potential, Unknown Mutations, incomplete and inactive. Potential Mutations are randomized each round, but within a round, they will always be the same, even after death. Only changing identity via stable mutagen or DNA Scrambler can change it. The overarching goal of genetics is to research and activate Potential Mutations among the crew.

View the crew's Unknown Mutations through View DNA Samples or insert an occupant into the GeneTek scanner and click Potential. To research an Unknown Mutation select it and click Research required. After several seconds the research will finish. Each Unknown Mutation only needs to be researched once. The base cost of researching Unknown Mutation is 20 Research Materials.

When you activate the Potential Mutation of a crew member or player-controlled monkey you are rewarded with:

Activating a Mutation on an NPC human or monkey will not give you the above rewards, though the Mutation will still work as normal.

DNA Activators activate organism's Potential Mutations. You can Create Activator every 20 seconds.

If a DNA Activator activates a crew member's Potential Mutation the DNA Activator will turn transparent and become a filled DNA Activator (). Click on the GeneTek console with the filled DNA Activator in your active hand to put it in and receive the rewards. If the DNA Activator did not activate a crew member's Potential Mutation, you'll get a useless expended DNA Activator ().

After you Sequence a Mutation, you can activate a Potential Mutation immediately, without cooldown. To Sequence a Mutation you need to find the missing base pairs. You only need to Sequence each Mutation once. Next time you see the same Mutation, an Autocomplete button will appear. Press it to Sequence the Mutation immediately.

Mutations are composed of base pairs. Bases are represented as letters G, A, C or T (Guanine, Adenine, Cytosine or Thymine). Bases always come in pair. G is always paired with C and base T is always paired up with base A.

You can only Sequence Mutations of GeneTek scanner occupants.

First, insert an occupant into the GeneTek scanner. Then, select a Mutation you want to Sequence. You don't have to research the Mutation before Sequencing it.

Start off by filling up any half-filled base pairs. A goes with T, G goes with C.?-G becomes C-G,?-T turns to A-T and A-? becomes A-T.

Next, start working on the unfilled base pairs. G-C is different from C-G, and T-A is different from A-T, so each unfilled base pair has four different possible arrangements. Let's try G-C first and work down the list.

With a Gene Sequence Checker you can fill out base pairs, click Check Stability and see if your guess is correct. If the base pairs are correct, they will turn green. If they are wrong they will turn red. Make another base pair guess, wait until Check Stability cools down and see if your guess is correct this time.

If you do not have the Gene Sequence Checker Research, you can make the guesses manually by going through all the sixteen base pair permutations. If you have one person with half of the code for the Mutation and another has the other half, you can compare the two and deduce the complete code, or at least part of it.

After correctly guessing base pairs it is time to unlock the locked base pair.

If you don't want to play the game, you can type "unlock" and auto-decrypt the lock. You gain 2 auto-decryptors after activating a Mutation on a crew member.

Alternately, a specific chain of letters must be entered to unlock the pair of bases. The only possible combinations here are GG, GC, CG and CC.

If your answer is wrong, the machine will show you how close you are to the correct answer. Let's assume we entered GG and this was the result:

Some codes will be this simple, but others will have up to 4 characters. Some genes will even have multiple locked pairs. Most of the more powerful genes have some of their pairs locked, so it can be worth the effort!

Completing the DNA Injectors research allows the creation of DNA Injectors . When you inject an organism with a DNA Injector they will gain the Mutation even if it was not in their Potential Mutations. However, these do not give any Chromosomes, Research Materials, or auto-decryptors as rewards. It is also important to note DNA Injectors change the organism's Stability!

To make an Injector, pick Create Injector from either Stored Mutations or occupant's Mutations. This can be done every 40 seconds for 40 Research Materials. They share a cooldown timer with Activators, so creating a Injector also prevents you from making an Activator and vice versa.

DNA Injectors are administered similarly to DNA Activators, i.e. you click on the subject while you're holding the Injector to use it on them (The subject can also use it on themselves.) Using one always creates a "filled injector"; these do not give any rewards when redeemed, and it is not possible to make them do so.

Once the relevant upgrade is researched, it is also possible to grant Mutations through the Gene Booth (also known as the Genetics Booth), a machine that grants Mutations in exchange for money. Through the Gene Booth, you can share Mutations without having to stray from the console.

When you access an occupant's Mutations or Stored Mutations and click on a Mutation, you can choose Sell at Gene Booth to send 5 applications of the Mutation to the Gene Booth for 30 Research Materials. It'll prompt you to set a price in credits and a description. It is possible to sell Mutations spliced with Chromosomes, and genes in the booth can be locked or have their price adjusted by swiping a Captain, Medical Director, or Head of Security ID on the booth.

Similar to Injectors, the Gene Booth can give Mutations not in the recipient's Potential. Receiving a Mutation through the Gene Booth changes their Stability. Because of this, it is common practice to splice Mutations with Stabilizer Chromosomes to nullify the Stability change.

Gene Booth sales go towards the Research budget. You can swipe your ID card on the GeneTek console to siphon a portion of the proceeds to your own account.

The Gene Booth normally takes 20 seconds to give someone a Mutation, but this can be reduced with research.

When you activate a Potential Mutation it becomes an active Mutation. There are a wide variety of Mutations, some commonplace and simple, some extremely powerful and rare. Some are beneficial, some are detrimental, some are situational, and some are just wacky and fun. There are more mutations than those listed here, so feel free to sequence and find Mutations on your own!

When you die you lose all your Mutations, but keep your Potential Mutations. For the cloner in particular, you can also enable the Advanced Genetic Analysis option, so clones keep Mutations they had when they were scanned; this is especially handy for those trying to stick with a certain Body Type Mutation.

Clicking the blue ABIL tab on your hotbar will toggle between standard options and your available Mutation powers.

Debilitating Mutations often increase Stability while beneficial Mutations decrease it. Gaining a Mutation that was already in your Potential causes no Stability loss or gain, e.g. getting Mutations through the Gene Booth and DNA Injectors can change Stability, while getting them via DNA Activators does not.

Stability determines how often your Mutation powers will work as intended. Every organism starts with 100 Stability. At 100 Stability your Mutation powers will work correctly 100% of the time. At 40 Stability your Mutation powers will work correctly 40% of the time.

Low Stability causes your Mutation powers to backfire or even degrade into their opposite Mutations. For example, Toxic Resistance degrades into Blood Toxification, while Optic Energizer burns your eyes instead of firing lasers. Having Stability below 50 also garbles your speech, replacing some letters with g's, u's, l's, and b's, and instead of "[name] says [text]", it's "[name] gurgles [text]".

Some genes belong to 'groups'. For each of these groups, you can only have one gene from that group at once. If you already have a gene from a particular group and another gene from that group is added to you, the new gene will replace the old one.

GroupMutationsThermal ModifiersThermal Resistance, Heat resistance, Cold Resistance, Thermal VulnerabilityToxin ModifiersToxic Resistance, Blood ToxificationRadiation ModifiersRadioactive, Radiation ResistanceBlood ModifiersHemopoesis Overdrive, Polycythemia, AnemiaRegenerationsRegeneration, Super Regeneration, Lupine RegenerationFitnessPhysically Fit, Physically UnfitVisionBlindness, Short Sighted, X-Ray Vision (though not Night Vision)
MutationMessageDanger LevelStabilityEffectEmpowered EffectBlindnessYou can't see anything.Harmful+20You no longer see action messages about what you and other people are doing and cannot see anything beyond a very small distance from you. You can still interact with things via right-click menu, and you can click on pills/patches/auto-injectors in-hand to use them on yourself, but you otherwise can't do much. To fix this without modifying DNA, you can equip a pair of VISOR Goggles.No change.Frontal Gyrus SuspensionYou are unable to express yourself.Harmful+20You become mute. You are unable to speak, and every attempt at talking just gives you the message "You seem to be unable to speak." The *scream emote (Hotkey: Ctrl + S) no longer makes sound and instead does one of a random set of unique messages describing how you have no voice and must scream. The Mime gimmick job starts with an irremovable version of this, as an enforced vow of silence.No change.DeafnessIt's quiet. Too quiet.Harmful+20You can't hear anything and are immune to most forms of ear damage. Blessed silence may come as a relief once you've gotten sick of the regular radio chatter. To fix this without modifying DNA, you can equip an auditory headset.No change.RadioactiveYou feel a strange sickness permeate your whole bodyHarmful-10You suffer from radiation sickness and cause the same to nearby people. May also give you more bad mutations.No change.DyspraxiaYou feel kind of off-balance and disoriented.Harmful+15In short, you're clumsy. Several actions have a flat chance to comically backfire, often harming you or causing extra damage. For example, you might accidentally start cuffing yourself when cuffing others, jab yourself while using a fork, and shoot yourself when firing a gun. Conducting surgery and handling grenades and guns become particularly dangerous. One upside: this lets you put crayons in clown shoes to crayon-walk!

The Clown spawns with a variant of this mutation that cannot be cured. Different from the "Dyspraxia" caused by the Wizard spell Clown's Revenge.

No change.GlowyYour skin begins to glow softly.Harmless0You permanently emit a light with a random color and intensity.You glow brighter.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type NY-you f.. feel a.. a bit n-n-nervous.Porky but Harmless 0Your speech stutters and falters like Porky the Pig.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-SYou feel like you want to smile and smile and smile forever:)Happily Harmless 0You somehow say colon parthesis (:)) after everything you say.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-EYou feel funky.Elvisously Harmless 0You talk like a king...a king of rock and roll! You extend your vowels the same way Elvis does.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-CYe feel like a reet prat like, innit?Hermless, mate0You speak like a middle-class English chav. You are the charmingly ugly lovechild of at least ten cultural accents and pack sounds together like black pudding.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-BYou feel Swedish, however that works.Tootelly Hermless, bork bork!0You speak not like an actual Swede, but the Swedish Chef, Bork Bork Bork! You extend your vowels to long e's and o's, and randomly add "Bork"'s like you add Swedish meatballs. Fun historical fact: the chef used to have a 20% chance to spawn with this accent.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-TYou feel torn apart!Moestly Hahwleess0You have Tommy Wiseau's Joisey accent. Your speech is an audio disaster.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-CSYou feel great!!Comically Harmless0You somehow speak in Comic Sans.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-DYou feel like your tongue's made out of lead.Compleffely Harmleshsh0You slur your speech like a drunkard.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-R.sdrawkcab tib a leef uoY.sselmrah, tub gnisufnoC0You talk backwards. Pro-tip: Put your; or :prefix at the end to talk over the radio.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-OYou feel a bit tongue-tied.Mstly Hrmlss0All your vowels get replaced with a random vowel.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-FOch aye! You feel like a true Scot!Skaithless0You speak with a Scottish accent. You do weird things with vowels, and, unlike other accents, you use entirely different words for things. You call a butt a "dowp", a jumpsuit a "carsakie", things like that.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-FISauna and birch beatings! Hyvä!Arrmless0You speak like the space Finns, the sauna-loving, people-hating neighbors of Sweden. You double up on your i's and r's, pronounce g-vowel pairs at the beginning of words as k-vowel, chop w's into v's, have a peculiar inability to say h's, say sh as ch, and switch up your b's with p's and vice versa.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-QYou feel that your province is a nation, however that works.'armless0You speak the accent of the space separatist Space Quebeckers of Space Canada. You say "le" instead of "the" and contract h's at the beginning of words. In addition to the stereotypical "th"->"z", you also have:
  • ts->zes
  • st->ss
  • ch->sh
  • tion->sion
  • vowel-t at end of word->vowel-tte
  • vowels at the beginning of a word->h-vowel
  • f at beginning or end of word->ef
No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-YYou feel like you're on Ilkley Moor without a hat.'armless0You speak with the somewhat impenetrable Tyke accent of the Space Yorkies of Space England. Similar to the Scottish accent, you have a different vocabulary, e.g. "arse" for "butt", "gaffer" for "captain", "tha" for "you", "t'" for "the", and many more. You chop off the "g" in "ng", drop the "h" from beginnning of words, transform "ight" to "eet", and a bunch more:
  • ay->ey
  • ade->ed
  • ave->ev
  • ea->eea
  • d, t, f & th at end of word->sometimes contracted to '
  • i->ah when alone or an e comes two letters later
  • it at the start of a sentence->'t
  • ou/ow->ah
  • oar->ooar
  • oa->oi
  • oot & ool->ooit & ooil
  • ole->oil
  • ough->ow

In short, you might not think it's English, but it is. You can fault the Space Danes and their Space Viking raids of the past for this one.

No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-BTYour breath smells like a fart.Butt+10You speak like a buttbot. When you talk, some of your words are replaced by "butt".No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-UOh nyo. uwuHarmless0Reconstructs the language center of the subject's brain to create less threatening speech patterns. Doesn't occur naturally.No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-SDYou feel like you've got some work to do now.Harmful0You speak like Scooby-Doo, a talking dog from the children's mystery cartoon franchise Scooby-Doo. In short, lots and lots of R's. Like Scots, you also have a different vocabulary, which mechanics-wise means you replace some words with different ones. For example, instead of AI, you say "rehrhai".No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-DEYou can no longer pronounce th for ze life of you!Harrmless0You speak like a German, specifically one speaking the Hochdeutsch dialect. You substitute some English words with German ones, e.g. "captain" becomes "kapitaen", "blood" becomes "blut".

In terms of individual letters, there's the expected "v" for "w" (unless the "w" is on the end of a word), but "th" doesn't always become "z". Besides this, there are other transforms:

  • ch->sh
  • e->eh (at the end of a word)
  • eu->oi
  • j->y
  • r->rr (you roll your r's, if it's not a double r)
  • z->ts
  • qu->kv
  • s->z (if followed by vowel)
  • th->50% chance of "d", 50% chance of "z".
  • ue->ee
  • v->f

As an example, "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" becomes "zeh kvick brrovn fox yumps oferr zeh latsy hound" (or "deh kvick brrovn fox yumps oferr deh latsy hound").

No change.Frontal Gyrus Alteration Type-XYou can't seem to form any coherent thoughts!Harmful+10Your speech becomes unintelligible, as every consonant is randomized. Vowels are unaffected.No change.Hemochromia Type-UYou feel like you're out of breath.Harmless0A volatile mutation with 12 known stable alternatives. Will quickly break down into one of them if you exit the scanner.No change.Hemochromia Type-RYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a scarlet coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-BYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a copper coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-GYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a brass coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-LYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a chartreuse coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-OYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a verdant coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-JYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a emerald coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-TYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a cyan coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-CYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a cerulean coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-IYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a azure coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-PYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a lavander coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-VYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a plum coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.Hemochromia Type-FYou feel a bit less soft.Beneficial0Your blood takes on a magenta coloration. You also regenerate 2 more units of blood per second while there's less than 500 units of it in you.No change.AchromiaN/AHarmless0Your skin becomes completely grayscale.No change.NoirYou feel chromatic pain.Beneficial0Your whole body, including any held and worn items, becomes completely grayscale.Your vision also becomes grayscale.YeeYeeNee.0Makes all your words into "yee". It is only available through yee reagent and admin shenanigans; you cannot find this in the genepools of monkeys, humans, and other carbon-based life-forms.No change.Cranial Keratin FormationA pair of horns erupt from your head.Harmless0You look (more) like a doofus.No change.Apocrine EnhancementYou feel sweaty.Harmless0You get a serious case of the stinks, causing people nearby to get wonderful messages about how nice the room smells.No change.Fire ResistanceYou feel cold.Beneficial-10You are immune to fires and atmospheric heat.You gain a 50% resistance to all BURN damage.Cold ResistanceYou feel warm.Beneficial-10You are immune to low temperature and ice. While your body temperature can still drop to freezing and below (allowing you still benefit from cryoxadone), you won't be slowed down. You have a noticeable blue aura.You are additionally immune to slipping on ice.Thermal ResistanceN/ABeneficial-10You gain a 50% resistance to heat and cold.You gain the full fire immunity of fire resistance and the full cold immunity of cold resistanceAlcohol ResistanceYou feel unusually sober.Beneficial0You do not suffer most of the effects of alcohol, e.g. the blurred vision and mistepping, though you'll still have drunkenly slurred speech. You can also drink Bo Jack Daniel's without passing out.

Additionally, it's much harder for you to become addicted to alcohol; you'll need to consume at least 200 units for addiction to become possible instead of the usual 50. Even then, the chance that you do become addicted is cut by three quarters, from 1% per life cycle to only 0.25%.

At the start of the round, the Detective, Head of Security, and Bartender get the Professional Drinker trait, which gives them this mutation.

You can shoot with full accuracy regardless of how drunk you are.Radiation ResistanceN/ABeneficial-15You gain a 75% resistance against radiation.You are almost entirely immune to ionizing radiation. While you'll still get the Irradiated status effect, you don't suffer the majority of the resulting mutations or the associated TOX and BRUTE (in the case of neutron radiation) damage. They still occur thoughSMES HumanYour hair stands on end.Beneficial (Mostly)-15You are protected from electrical energy. Useful when the AI is shocking everything or a malicious Engineer has hotwired the engine and you are lacking insulated gloves. This also prevents you from gaining a magnetic field in the Bio-Magnetic Field event.You also gain 40% disorient resistance, making you more difficult to stun.JumpyYour leg muscles feel strong and taut.Beneficial-10You gain a jump that moves you half a screen in no time at all. Just make sure you don't use it while inside a container/vehicle of some sort, or you won't like the result...You jump much farther.ChameleonYou feel at one with your surroundings.Beneficial-15When toggled on, you become invisible while standing still; you'll know you've become invisible because you'll see a faint light blue aura around you. The AI, Cyborgs, people wearing optical thermal scanners, and people with X-Ray Vision can still see you. This can work against you in more ways than one.No change.Cloak of DarknessYou meld into the shadows.Beneficial-15Activate this ability, and now you're invisible while in the dark. You can tell if it's dark enough if you have a dark grey aura around you; generally ill-lit maintenance sections and rooms where the lights are broken/have been turned off are dark enough to hide in. This does not work in Space or the Seafloor. The AI, Cyborgs, people wearing optical thermal scanners, and people with X-Ray Vision can still see you. Vampires get this power for their Bat Form Mk II ability.No change.High-pressure intestinesYou feel bloated and gassy.Beneficial-15Blow away your foes with your tremendous farts!You will not just blow away your foes, but also yourself. Using this on top of a bible sends you to a special "hell" area instead of gibbing you.CryokinesisYou notice a strange cold tingle in your fingertips.Beneficial-10You gain the ability to cool people down significantly by firing a ball of ice at them, and to get on everyone's nerves by creating patches of slippery ice on the floor.Your ice powers now effect a 3x3 area instead of a 1x1. The Discount Superhero Spooktober job can sometimes spawn with this variant.TelepathyYou can hear your own voice echoing in your mind.Beneficial0You gain the ability to communicate telepathically. Telepathic messages show up to the recipient as "A psychic voice echoes, "[TEXT]"" in hotpink. Don't use this to impersonate the admins.No change.Optic EnergizerYour eyes ache and burn.Beneficial-10You gain an "Eyebeams" ability that fires laser beams from your eyes. These are different from the ones used by energy guns and their ilk; these do only 20 BURN and only very slightly heat up objects they pass over (they can still ignite plasma though). Also, if you fire them while wearing something that hides your eyes (e.g. a blindfold, a space helmet), instead of firing, the lasers burn up whatever it was that was covering your eyes.

The Discount Superhero Spooktober job has a chance to spawn with a nonlethal version that drains 80 Stamina, on par with a taser. Unlike the laser version, you can fire them without your headgear getting in the way.

Your eye beams now do 45 BURN and sound much more menacing.Meta-Neural EnhancementYour mind feels closed.Beneficial0You cannot be mind-read or telepathically spoken to. Doesn't affect the admin's telepathy, obviously.You become immune to the psychic blasts of certain hostile space creatures.Empathic ThoughtYou suddenly notice more about others than you did before.Beneficial-5You gain a "Mind Reader" ability that lets you read the minds of others, telling you the following:
  • Two thoughts ("thinking about..."). One is a randomly-selected line of no significance, and the other is the text they have typed into their talk/radio menu (if they're using hotkeys to talk) or the text following say " (if they're using the command bar to talk).
  • Condition: Rough description of their current health.
  • Mood: Clues about their current intent, as in Disarm, Grab, etc., not necessarily the player's actual intent.
  • Numbers: Their PIN number.
No change.Matter EaterYou feel hungry.Beneficial-5You can eat many more items than normal, like weapons from disarmed opponents, or even your own body parts! Just remember that you need certain body parts to live...You can eat one additional thing. In all of space.Telekinetic PullYou feel your consciousness expand outwards.Beneficial-10You can send unanchored items flying from afar by click-dragging them from one tile to another. You can also perform a Telekinetic Smash, which throws all unanchored objects near to a location into it. This doesn't work on items of "gigantic" size or larger, e.g. pianos, TTV bombs. Works great with X-ray vision.You throw more things when using the Smash ability.Gamma Ray ExposureYou feel your muscles swell to an immense size.Beneficial-25Your skin turns green, and your punches knock people away from you and do more damage. Your fists can instantly break tables, asteroid rock, wooden doors (but not any other doors), and grilles if they've fairly low health, and they can break windows, unreinforced walls, and clown cars with enough time. You can pull corpses, people you've grabbed, people who aren't on Help intent, and things that contain either with no slowdown. Watch your health; if you get too hurt, your muscles will shrink back down.Your muscles no longer shrink when significantly damaged.X-Ray visionYou suddenly seem to be able to see through everything.Beneficial-20Basically wearing Optical Meson Scanners, as it lets you can see through walls. Doesn't decrease or remove darkness, but it also doesn't increase the darkness of areas beyond your normal line of sight, unlike mesons.You additionally gain the power to see organics through walls, similar to wearing Optical Thermal Scanners, and see through the invisibilty cloak from cloaking devices, Chameleon, and Cloak of Darkness.High Decay DigestionYour stomach grumbles unpleasantly.Harmful-10Your farts create clouds of toxic gas, which turn into compost when inhaled by anyone without this gene.Your farts contain additional toxin. Gross.Self Biomass ManipulationYour skin and joints feel loose.Harmful-5You can turn yourself into a liquid that can phase through walls and other solid objects, sort of like a genetic version of the wizard's Phase Shift. If it doesn't have the Synchronized chromosome, your clothes won't come with you, so you come out naked; if it is Synchronized, they do! If it misfires due to insufficient stability, you drop a random clothing item you were wearing if it was Synchronized, and if it wasn't, you drop an random internal organ (not limbs or brain, but does include heart).

Note: This power used to trigger the unsynchronized effect if you were anywhere on the Restricted area, but now it simply states that "you cannot seem to turn incorporeal here.")

No change.Incendiary MitochondriaYou feel like you are burning up.Harmful-10You set yourself on fire and become a human torch. This is a very bad thing if you don't want to burn alive. If you have Heat Resistance this will instead fizzle and do nothing.Larger fire, and it works with normal/empowered Heat Resistance.StupefactionYou twitch.Harmful+10You will occasionally be stunned for a few seconds and be knocked down to the floor.No change.Chronic CoughYou feel an irritating itch in your throat.Harmful+5You occasionally cough, dropping anything in your hands.No change.Diminished Optic NervesYour vision blurs.Harmful+5Your vision becomes blurred, and darkened outside a small radius. Can be counteracted with Prescription Glasses.No change.Adrenaline RushYou feel hype!Beneficial-15You get an activated ability that allows you to recover from stuns by putting various stimulating and painkilling drugs in your bloodstream. Also one of the only genetic mutations that can be used while incapacitated.You get double the drugs from each use.Anaerobic MetabolismYour lungs feel strangely empty.Beneficial-30Prevents you from taking any damage from lack of breathable atmosphere, essentially allowing you to breathe anywhere.You gain complete immunity to OXY damage and atmospheric gases. Note that you will still inhale and be touched by chemical smokes.Apidae MetabolismYou feel buzzed.Harmless0Doesn't seem to do anything at first. However, if sugar is put into the bloodstream through any means, it has...interesting effects.No change.Constricted feel like being quiet...Harmless0Your text becomes really, really small.No change.CoprolaliaYou can't seem to shut up!Harmless0You randomly shout random swear words.The maptext (aka flying chat or floating chat) for your outbursts is bolded. Maptext for normal speech remains the same.Dactyl CrystalizationYour fingers and toes turn transparent and crystalline.Harmless0Changes your snap and slap noises. This doesn't mean you can't still snap your fingers off!No change.Dermal GlitterYour skin looks all blinged out.Harmless0You sparkle as if you're carrying an item made of gold.No change.Dimensional ShiftYou begin to see a small blue light...Beneficial-15You can enter a pocket dimension, rendering you immune to any and all outside events, but you're unable to move while within this space until you exit. Basically, an indestructible, incorporeal closet on command. Any effects that are doing damage to you such as a heart attack or damage from poison still happen.No change.Ethanol ProductionYou feel drunk!Harmful+5You constantly produce ethanol in your bloodstream, slowly making you extremely drunk.No change.Healing TouchYour hands radiate a comforting aura.Beneficial-10You gain an ability that can heal an adjacent human for a small amount of damage.You heal twice as much on each use.High-Pressure LarynxYOU SUDDENLY FEEL LIKE SHOUTING A WHOLE LOT!!!Harmless0YOUR TEXT BECOMES REALLY LARGENo change.Irritable BowelsYour guts are rumbling.Harmless0You automatically and intermittently fart.No change.Meta-Neural AntennaYour head is full of odd chatter.Beneficial-5You can hear the general radio channel (145.9) without a headset.You can hear all radio channels without a headset. Or rather, almost all, since there some channels you still won't hear, namely the ones used by Gangsters, Nuclear Operatives, and (if they spawn somehow) Conspirators. The machinetalk used by AIs and Cyborgs are not radio channels, so this mutation doesn't give you access to it.Midas TouchYour hands sparkle and gleam.Beneficial-5You gain the ability to turn certain items into solid gold! This includes your own butt (and other limbs). Just don't expect to get super-rich from selling your transmuted gold bars; the traders can tell that it wasn't originally genuine gold. There's also a chance you're just turn items in flesh (Grody!) instead of gold; the less stability you have, the more likely this'll happen.You can also transmute large objects into gold- not walls or floors, but things like tables and chairs.Motor Neuron Signal EnhancementOne of your limbs feels a bit strange and twitchy.Harmful+20A random limb, chosen upon mutation acquirement, proceeds to strangle you, kick you in the head, and do various other harmful actions.No effect.Musculature EnhancementYou feel buff!Beneficial-5You gain a slight strength bonus to mining. Also negates the speed penalty from pulling objects somewhat. Maybe it has other uses...You feel less pain, being able to move as though you were 50 HP points healthier.NarcolepsyYou feel sleepy.Harmful+15You randomly to fall asleep.No effect.Natural Anti-ToxinsYour pulse seems to relax.Beneficial-10Increases the depletion rate of all chemicals in your bloodstream. Note that this is not exclusive to poisons; it affects all chemicals. Note: This mutation cannot be removed with mutadoneDoubles the rate of chemical depletion.ParanoiaThey're out to get you!Harmless0You automatically and intermittently scream.No effect.PhotokinesisEverything seems too dark!Beneficial0You can create a radiant point of light.The point of light is twice as bright and lasts twice as long.PolymorphismYou don't feel entirely like yourself somehow.Beneficial-15You can take on the appearance and name of a crewmember by touching them.No effect.PseudonecrosisN/AHarmful-5You are recognized as dead by all medical scanners and machinery.You appear visually dead when laying down. (This means anyone examining you will see *[Your name] is limp and unresponsive, a dull lifeless look in their eyes.*)RegenerationYour skin feels tingly and shifty.Beneficial-25Every few seconds, you slowly heal 1 BRUTE and 1 BURN and have a 0.4% chance to a regain a lost limb. If you are missing both a leg and arm, regeneration prioritizes the arms and won't regrow legs until you have two arms again.You heal twice as much, and have double the chance to regrow a lost limb.Super RegenerationYou begin to feel your flesh mending back together. Grody.Beneficial0Much better version of Regeneration as the name implies. It works in the same way, but it heals at an astonishing 7 BRUTE and 7 BURN every time and has a 2% chance to also regrow a limb. This does not show up in people's Potential naturally, and it cannot be removed by any means, barring Admin intervention. The only way to get this is to sign a certain demonic contract, where this powerful boon comes with an equally powerful curse...Doubled effects (but good luck getting it).Lupine RegenerationYou feel oddly feral.Beneficial0An extra-powerful form of Regeneration that Werewolves get in their Werewolf form. It functions exactly the same but the healing rate is 2 BRUTE and 2 BURN every few seconds and the chance to regrow limbs is now 2%. This cannot be removed from the Werewolf in any way except by transforming back into a human, i.e. no mutation storage, no mutadone, etc., and it normally cannot be found in people's Potential. If you somehow gain this mutation without being a Werewolf, you get lycanthropy.No effect (only a shameful wolf would do genetics).Spatial DestabilizationYou feel a bit out of place.Harmful-10You teleport at random. Fortunately you can't teleport onto space tiles. Unfortunately you can teleport onto things covering space tiles, like catwalks.No effect.Toxic ResistanceYou feel refreshed and clean.Beneficial-30You take 66% less TOX damage from all sources.You are completely immune to TOX damage.Unstable RefractionN/AHarmful-15You randomly flicker in and out of invisibility at random. (Unable to get currently)No effect.Meta-Neural HazeN/AHarmful-5Your character can't be examined unless the examiner is adjacent to you.Your character can't be examined at all.Brown NoteYou feel mischievous!Harmless (Mostly)-15You get a "Brown Note" ability that produces a sound that makes up to 7 people fart. Be careful around bibles!The sound is louder, making up to 10 people fart.Mass EmesisYou feel sick.Beneficial-10You can expel whatever chemicals were in your bloodstream as a beam of vomit. Anyone caught in the beam absorbs the chems.Your vomit spew travels twice as far.Ink GlandsYou feel artistic.Beneficial-2You gain the ability to paint nearby people and objects a random color.No effect.Fire BreathYour throat is burning!Beneficial-10You can exhale fire.Your fire breath travels twice as far, and is 4x as hot.ErebokinesisEverything seems too bright!Beneficial-15You can snuff out all light in an area, akin to a darkness artifact.The field lasts twice as long, and its radius is doubled (meaning the area is quadrupled).Mutagenic FieldYour flesh begins to warp and contort weirdly!Harmful-35You occasionally spontaneously mutate and may cause others nearby to do the same, with a higher chance of receiving bad mutations than good.No effect.Blood ToxificationYou feel really sick...Harmful+15You occasionally (25% chance every few seconds) suffer one unit of toxin damage.No effect.MonkeyspeakYou feel one with the jungle!Beneficial0You can understand the chimpering of monkeys.No effect.Night VisionEverything suddenly appears oddly lit.Beneficial-15Darkness is greatly reduced in an area around you. Pitch-black areas will still appear dim, though not enough to significantly reduce visibility.The area around you in which you can see in darkness is increased, allowing you to functionally see your entire screen even in pitch blackness.Hemopoiesis OverdriveYou feel like being stabbed isn't such a big deal anymore.Beneficial-5When you have less than 500 units of blood in you, you regenerate blood faster than usual at around 4 units per second. Stacks with filgrastim's blood regen.Blood gain is doubled.TinnitusYou hear a ringing in your ears.Harmful0Occasionally, you hear a ringing sound in your ears, similar to that of a phone ringing. It persists even if you are deaf.No effect.Physically UnfitYou feel slightly less energetic.Harmful+10Your max stamina is reduced by 30, and your stamina regen is reduced by 2.No effect.Physically FitYou feel slightly more energetic.Beneficial+5Your max stamina is increased by 30, and your stamina regen is increased by 2.Stamina increases are doubled.Nectar PerspirationYour guts are rumblingHarmful+10A swarm of tiny lil' bees surrounds you. These bees sometimes sting you at any time, giving you histamine. Wearing either an apiculturist's suit or hood halves the chance of getting stung by your own bees; wearing both prevents it entirely. Otherwise, wearing armor (or any other form of protection) does not prevent from being stung. Sadly, the bees can't sting others.No effect.Electromagnetic FieldNone.Harmful+10Tiny, 1 tile, EMP bursts occasionally occur within a 2-tile radius around you. These EMPs can and often do hit the tile you're on, and they cause the same effects as the EMP grenades (radios malfunctioning, batteries draining, etc.)No effect.PolycythemiaYour breathing quickens.Harmful+10If you have less than 600 units of blood in you, you regain blood at an accelerated rate (3 units per second, compared to just 1 per second), until you reach 600 units. Doesn't seem too bad, until you starting developing hypertension from your heart having to pump to all that blood...No effect.AnemiaYou feel lightheaded.Harmful+10Your body can now accommodate only 400 units of blood, and if it goes over that, it quickly loses it. As a result, you'll often be at risk of entering shock, and bleeding out is more dangerous.No effect.Vestigial BallisticsYou feel intense pressure in your hip and shoulder joints.Harmful+15Lets you launch a random arm or leg of yours at someone, dealing a fair chunk of brute damage. If not synchronized, your limbs will also occasionally pop off on their own, and intentionally ejecting them hurts you a bit. Explosions also have a higher chance to delimb you. The Discount Superhero Spooktober job randomly gets a "weaponized" variant that also makes the limbs knock the target down and stun them for a fair amount of time; if this happens, they also get regeneration to complement it.Your ejected limbs deal double the damage.Chronal Additive Inversem*ntYou feel as if you're impossibly young.Harmless 0Flips the sign of your age, essentially making it negative if it was positive or positive if it was somehow negative, e.g. 30 becomes -30. (In fact, "additive inversem*nt" is just a fancy way of saying sign change). If removed, flips it again, hopefully setting you back to normal. This causes some...interesting effects on the pitch of your voice clips.No effect.Temporal DisplacementYou feel as if you're impossibly young.Harmless 0Every few seconds, sets your age to random number between -80 and 80, indirectly shifting the pitch of your voice clips.No effect.Chronic SneezingYou feel an irritating itch in your nose.Harmful0You sometimes sneeze, causing you to drop whatever you where holding.No effect.ProtanopiaEverything starts looking a lot more yellow.Harmful0You can't see the color red and, to some extent, green. Instead you see yellow. Werewolves have this when transformed.No effect.DeuteranopiaEverything starts looking a lot less green.Harmful0You can't tell the difference between red and green, and everything else looks a lot more amber.No effect.TritanopiaEverything starts looking a lot less blue.Harmful0You can't tell the difference between blue and green, and everything else looks a bit more desaturated.No effect.Trichochromatic ShiftYour hair itches.Beneficial0Gives a Trichochromatic Shift ability that switches your hair colors around; this works even if you only have one piece of hair, because it looks at all three colors you set in your Character Preferences. Due to how it shifts colors around, three uses of the ability sets your hair colors back to normal.

More specifically, the color you set for Bottom Detail becomes color for Top Detail, Middle Detail Bottom Detail, and Top Detail Middle Detail. For example, if you had grey Einstein hair for Bottom Detail, white Twirly mustache for Middle Detail, and black Eyebrows for Top Detail, you'd then have white Einstein hair, a black Twirly mustache, and grey Eyebrows.

DwarfismDid everything just get bigger?Harmless0You are shorter. More specifically, the games cuts off a couple of rows of pixels in your sprite's leg area, so you should mostly look alright. This can combine with Body Type Mutations, so you have dwarf monkeys, dwarf lizards, etc. You also get an extra 10% heat and cold resistance.You're even shorter. Thermal resistances don't change though.

Body Type Mutations cosmetic Mutations that change your Body, Appearance or even Race. You can only have one active at a time. You can activate these through the Body menu or just like any other Mutation.

MutationMessageEffectBioluminecent OverdriveYour skin begins flashing!Your skin begins to rapidly flash different colors, similar to GBS' symptom but without any of the deadliness.Melanin StimulatorN/ATurns your skin and hair EXTREMELY dark.Melanin SuppressorN/ATurns your hair and skin to an extremely light shade and makes your eyes red. Essentially albinism.Melanin EraserYou feel oddly plain.Turns your hair and skin EXTREMELY light. Essentially vampire/pale look. Mime always spawns with a version of this mutation that cannot be removed.Saurian GeneticsYour skin feels oddly dry.You turn part lizard/reptile. You have special eyes, literally! They can read messages written by infrared pens, their vision in the dark goes 1 tile farther than humans, and they can see through the invisibility cloaks created by chameleon, cloak of darkness, Grinches' Cloak ability, and Vampires' Bat Form MkII ability (but not cloaking devices).

You have a tail like a T-rex too, and if it dies or goes missing, you become clumsy until you get a new tail. Luckily, you can regrow your tail via, naturally, the Regrow Tail ability, if you've eaten enough of certain organs to afford it. If you already had a tail, Regrow Tail makes you snap if off and regrow a new one. The ability has a five minute cooldown, i.e. once you use it, you need to wait 5 mins to do it again.

In addition, your thermoregulation is significantly slower, at 20% the rate of normal humans (0.025 Kelvin for humans vs 0.005 for lizards). This doesn't mean fire or whatever heats/cools you less; rather it means that your body readjusts its internal temperature in response to those stimuli at a slower pace. You might shiver at room temperature, but wearing a winter jacket (or anything with 45% Cold Resistance) will stop that.

The colors for scales, tail, a belly spot, and/or head crest are inherited from your hair colors, and are typically somewhat less saturated. Top detail color influences scales and tail color, the middle detail the belly spot and tail underside, and the top detail the crest. These colors can be changed through genetics, and the belly/head spots can be changed via hair dye. You also extend every 's' into a hiss, like a snake. You are also able to change your colors through two abilities fueled by eating the organs of humans and monkeys.

Note: Don't steal peoples' organs unless you're an antagonist, they're okay with it, or they're dead. Crimes in the name of fashion are still crimes!

OssificationYou feel kinda thin.All your meat and organs squish into your bones, turning you into a very spooky living skeleton who can make certain hotdogs hop. Drinking milk also heals a little bit of BRUTE and BURN. Your eyes look like tiny skulls, which is very strange. You also bleed calcium. Yes, you can drink calcium to restore lost "blood", but stuff like filgrastim and similar chems still work as normal. Don't think about it too much, and try not to get addicted to the satisfaction that comes with making spaghetti.Aquatic GeneticsYou feel wet and squishy.You turn part squidperson/ithillid/starspawn. Your skin turns purple-pink, your eyes turn yellow, and you grow mini-tentacles and fins on your head that allow you move through liquids without slowing down. And, yes, you can breathe underwater.

Also, you love brain food, literally. You can gradually repair brain damage by eating brainburgers (and their variants) and "fleshy" brains (e.g. one from a human or a synthbrain plant, but not a flock brain or neural net processor), since eating them gives you a unique Brain Food buff, though this is rather situational. Also, you don't have to worry about space kuru, because if you get infected, the disease immediately becomes asymptomatic.

While you might be a brain-eating purple humanoid with a faceful of tentacles, you still need to observe some common courtesies. You should avoid brains that will be used for making cyborgs, and you definitely shouldn't go around murdering people to eat their brains, unless you're an antagonist.

Blattodean GeneticsYou feel like crawling into somewhere nice and dark.You turn part co*ckroach, though some say it's more like those ants from A Bug's Life but not as blue. You become mostly immune to most forms of radiation and can see a tile further in the dark than usual and can read messages written by infrared pens, their vision in the dark goes 1 tile farther than humans, and they can see through the invisibility cloaks created by chameleon, cloak of darkness, Grinches' Cloak ability, and Vampires' Bat Form MkII ability (but not cloaking devices).

The catch is that sources of blunt and crushing damage (e.g. a fire extinguisher or a door closing on you but not a welder or kitchen knife) do 1.5 times more damage, making you considerably more vulnerable to blunt-force trauma.

The color of your exoskeleton is based roughly on the skin tone you chose for your profile in your character setup, with a fair amount of saturation. Similarly, the color of your scelera matches what you set for eye color on your profile.

Speaking of color, your blood is a bright blue-green, because it's actually hemolymph. Blood-related chems like filmgrastim work as normal, and Vampires and other bloodsuckers can still gain nourishment from you.

Primal GeneticsYou go bananas!You become a Monkey. See that page for more details.Bovine GeneticsYou feel like you're ready for some Cow RP.You become a cowperson. Specifically, you look like a Holstein Friesian cow, complete with horns and hooves that change color depending on the color you set for Bottom Detail and Mid Detail in character preferences, respectively. You also have special cow eyes with horizontal pupils, which you can set the color of in the character setup menu. You have funny *screams, extend your m's a lot, and say "human" instead of "cow", because deep down, you truly think you are one.

As a cow, your blood is milk; all the other blood-related chemicals still function as normal, and drinking milk does restore blood. Speaking of blood, you start with hemophilia, so you tend to bleed more often when it's possible. You can also *milk (no hotkey, so you must do say "*milk or similar, like other emotes) to produce milk into a container you're holding or onto the floor, if you aren't holding one. Yes, this means you're actually pouring out your blood, so milking too much can kill you, and the game won't try to stop you until you have absolutely no blood/milk left.

Because of your sturdy hooves, you cannot be tripped by glass shards, even plasmaglass ones. Said hooves also make you do an extra 4 damage when kicking. However, they can't fit shoes, so be extra careful when playing Janitor or Clown. You can set the color of the bottom of your hooves using the second hair color option in the character setup menu. You also have a tail, and if you lose that, you lose your balance too until it's restored.

Canine GeneticsYou feel like barking up the wrong tree.You become a pugperson, a challenging mutantrace based around your favorite adorable pets. You take double oxy damage and are deathly allergic to chocolate (carry spaceacillin if you don't wanna die!), but you carry some benefits as well! You can sprint right up until you're out of stamina, where you'll fall on your face dramatically and hilariously. You also jump at things people throw around you, giving you the fastest (albeit possibly most misdirected) reflexes out there.

The real benefits come from pugs' natural detective abilities. You are able to sniff out a very large amount of information from people, using the *sleuth emote.

1. Using *sleuth on a mob will tell the pug what color the mob smells like.

2. Using *sleuth on an object will tell the pug the color of one of the people that interacted with it and a general idea of how long ago.

3. Using *sleuth over and over on the same object will uncover all the colors of the people that interacted with it

However, you cannot use this ability if you are poisoned by chocolate! Dying pugs can't be playing detective, but if they are in need of assistance, they can eat the bone that they start with, which is filled with buffs.

Booster Genes are a group of mysterious Mutations that, on their own, do absolutely nothing. However, they interact with other Mutations in various and interesting ways.

MutationEffectBooster Gene XActivates every Potential Mutation in the organism.Booster Gene YRandomizes the organism's Potential Mutation and removes all active Mutations.Booster Gene ZRemoves all Potential and active Mutations in the organism.Booster Gene QHas random, unpredictable effects on the organism.

This is a rare mutation which cannot be researched or activated using a DNA Activator, it can also only be Sequenced which means the occupant must be in the GeneTek scanner. When activated and stored in Mutation Storage, it serves as a wildcard for combining Stored Mutations, so you can very easily get some fascinating and rare Mutations this way. When activated it unlocks powerful Research.

Chromosomes are Mutation modifiers. They can be be spliced with Mutations. Each mutation can only be spliced once. Each time you activate a Mutation you gain 2-5 random Chromosomes. Each GeneTek console has its own Chromosome storage.

To splice a Chromosome with a Mutation, click the Storage tab, scroll down to Stored Chromosomes, pick a Chromosome and click Splice. Find an active or stored Mutation which you want to splice, and click the Splice button next to it.

You can buy extra features and upgrades through Available Research. Research is shared between all GeneTek consoles.

In return for slowing down the cloning process with Advanced Genetic Analysis enabled on the cloner all Research cooldowns are reduced by 5%. Up to two active cloners will reduce the cooldown.

ResearchTierRequiresTime (sec.)CostEffectRadiation Emitters1Nothing9080Re-roll the pool of all Mutations of an occupant. This will cause severe radiation poisoning that will have to be treated. This can not be used on dead organisms and has a cooldown time of three minutes. You use these via Scramble DNA when you click on the Potential.Gene Sequence Checker1Nothing9050Checks how many base pairs are stable. It has a cooldown of one minute. Correct DNA pairs will turn green and incorrect pairs red.Gene Booth1Nothing6050Lets you sell Mutations at the Gene/Genetics Booth, a machine that lets you give out Mutations without leaving Genetics (for the most part). More on that here.Advanced Mutation Research1Mutations Researched: 209050Halves the base cost and time of researching a mutation and enables the ability to see, research, and activate advanced mutations. Advanced mutations are generally very powerful and/or unique.Biotic Cooling Mechanisms1Fire, Cold and SMES Resistance90150Halve the cooldown times for all equipment.Complex DNA Research Efficiency1High Complexity DNA12050Research costs and time decrease by 15%.Complex DNA Mutation Storage1High Complexity DNA12050
Adds five saving slots for storing mutations.Complex Material Storage1High Complexity DNA12050Increases maximum materials storage by 50.Complex Gene Booth Acceleration1High Complexity DNA, Gene Booth120150It normally takes 20 seconds for the genetics booth to give someone a gene, and this upgrade lowers it by 5 seconds. This stacks with additively with Gene Booth Injection Speedup and Biotic Gene Booth Injection, meaning that with all three upgrades, receiving a mutation from the gene booth only takes 5 seconds.DNA Reclaimer2Gene Sequence Checker240100Allows unwanted genes to be converted into research materials. It has a two minute cooldown and has a chance to fail depending on what gene is being reclaimed. If you are at or above the materials cap, you can still reclaim genes, though you won't get materials.Radiation Dampeners2Radiation Emitters18080Halves the amount of harmful radiation caused by Radiation Emitters.DNA Injectors2Mutations Researched: 20240120Allows the manufacture of Injector syringes that can insert Mutations into other subjects. More on those here.Emitter Coolant System2Radiation Emitters180120Reduces the amount of time required for Radiation Emitters to cool down.Gene Booth Injection Speedup2Gene Booth12075Decreases the time it takes for the genetics booth to give someone a mutation by 25%. This normally takes around 20 seconds, so 25% means it saves 5 seconds.Mutation Storage3DNA Reclaimer300100Allows for storage of up to three genes in each GeneTek console's Stored Mutations for the purposes of combination or transference into new recipients. The Mutations must be researched and activated before storage. Combining Stored Mutations can produce rare or unique mutations! Experiment!Precision Radiation Emitters3Radiation Dampeners, Emitter Coolant System300150Upgrades the Radiation Emitters in the scanner so they can target single Mutations at a time. The Mutations must have been researched first, and doing this has a longer cooldown and greater irradiation amount than regular DNA scrambling.Improved Material Storage3DNA Reclaimer300125Increases the maximum number of research materials to 150.Biotic Radiation Dampeners3Radiation Dampeners, Radiation Resistance, Radioactive250100Completely removes the harmful effects of the Radiation Emitters.Biotic Gene Booth Injection3Gene Booth Injection Speedup, Gene Booth180100Lowers the time it takes for the genetics booth to grant a mutation by 25%, or about 5 seconds. This stacks additively with Gene Booth Injection Speedup, so with both upgrades, the genetics booth takes only 10 seconds.Expanded Mutation Storage4Mutation Storage450120Adds two additional saving slots for Mutations.

Here is the Genetics Research tree, with arrows indicating requirements, in case you want to focus on, say, Precision Radiation Emmiters.

Once you have researched Mutation Storage, active Mutations can be stored and combined to yield new and more useful Mutations. Some of these are only available via combination, whereas others may appear (rarely) as Potential Mutations. There isn't any penalty to getting an invalid combo, so feel free to experiment and see what results you get! Mutation combinations are not considered secret content, so if you discover one, you aren't required to ask for permission, preface it as spoilers, or otherwise take extra precautions to share it.

If you want to skip the discovery part and go straight to learning the combos, you check out this unofficial guide.

Alongside Potential, these menus appear when you have someone in the scanner. Compared to Research and Potential, there's not much to say about these. They still have a purpose, mind you, but they do far less than the other ones. and are way less important.

This shows mutations which are active. If you have the Mutation Storage or Gene Booth upgrade, this is where you go to store or sell them. While you have the same 'Potential after getting cloned, you lose any active mutations after getting cloned, so people coming out of the cloner usually have this empty, unless the cloner had Advanced Genetic Analysis enabled.

This lets you change the occupant into a variety of lovely forms depending on what mutations you've researched, such as a lizardman or a giant co*ckroach. By default, Human and Primal Genetics (monkey) are available.

This one opens up a menu just like the one in the Character Selection screen, where you can change the hair style (s), hair color, skin tone, eye color, and various other cosmetic things about the occupant. If you want to give people obnoxious Sailor Moon hair or colorful Rainbow Afros, this is the place (and the only place at that, as this is pretty much the only way to get those unique hair styles). Only appears if whoever's in the scanner is a race that can accept these appearance options, namely humans.

Guide to Genetics - Space Station 13 Wiki (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.