Tips for Traveling With Strangers (2024)

Some of the best travel experiences revolve around the incredible people you meet on the road. Great moments are made better when experienced with others! Fellow travelers are also a wealth of information. They know all the best restaurants, hostels, and working spots. They can treat you to experiences that are outside your comfort zone, and they can provide a remedy to the loneliness of solo travel. Roaming with a travel group can be a more budget-friendly way to travel as well!

With all these benefits, finding travel companions seems like a no-brainer! However, with all those perks also comes possible problems. In this guide, we will tackle all our tips for traveling with strangers. Yes, we know, your momma told you not to talk to strangers, but this is the travel universe, and roaming the world with a group of strangers is perfectly acceptable here. Let’s go!

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Benefits of Traveling With Strangers

If you still aren’t convinced about this whole travel partner mess, let’s take a good look at why you should consider it!

1. It saves you money.

Group tours often provide better prices than a solo ticket. If you can round up ten people from your hostel to go together, you all benefit! Car rentals are cheaper with more people, and so are taxi rides. You can splurge on a nicer hotel room if you are splitting it between three people. You can buy multiple small appetizers and a cheaper bottle of wine, rather than single glasses. You get the gist.

2. Travel buddies prevent loneliness.

If you are taking a weekend getaway, then loneliness certainly won’t be an issue. However, if you are on a long road trip, or travel full-time, it can get really lonely out there. You are likely on a different time schedule than your friends and family back home. It’s hard to stay connected, and besides, they don’t really get your situation because they aren’t there. Finding a travel companion with similar interests gives you someone to share your greatest experiences with.

3. There’s safety in numbers.

You can travel solo safely, but new friends add an extra set of eyes. You can watch out for each other at the ATM. You won’t be walking down any alleys alone, etc.

4. It broadens your mind.

Even on a solo trip, international travel will expose you to new cultures and ways of thinking. However, when you meet people from all over the world, and travel together, you multiply this phenomenon exponentially!

5. You can learn from each other.

Perhaps your new travel companion just came from the city that you are going to. They will know what hostels to avoid, which restaurants you can’t miss, and how to get around. They will likely ask the same questions about the city you have been in. Sharing information with fellow travelers is invaluable!

How to Meet Travel Companions

1. Social Media Groups

For almost every popular destination, there is a corresponding Facebook group. People will post about meetups, ask for travel advice, and put their suggestions in the feed. It’s a great place to meet fellow travelers, with the added benefit of being able to Facebook stalk them a bit first.

2. Couchsurfing Meetups

Couchsurfing is a (nearly) free service where you can stay a night or two in a local’s home, in exchange for some sort of cultural exchange. This can be cooking them a meal from your home country, helping with language learning, or just hanging out for conversation.

The platform also has a search engine where you can find traveler meetups! Some are organized, others are just fellow travelers who have marked themselves available to hang out.

Since Couchsurfing instituted a paywall, many travelers have turned to BeWelcome, WarmShowers, or Trustroots instead. They all have similar hangout systems. The popular hostel booking platform, Hostelworld also has an awesome website and app where you can join a city or hostel chat, join up for group tours, or find a hangout.

3. Roamies

Roamies is a fantastic group trip platform organized by Hostelworld and G Adventures. You get a built-in travel crew, fabulous hostels, the best local guides, and much more. These trips usually revolve around adventure travel and are one of the easiest ways to travel the world with strangers. No awkward hostel meet and greets necessary.

4. Standard Group Tours

It’s pretty easy to join a group snorkeling tour, hop on a trekking expedition, or tour a fascinating castle by just hopping on Viator, or whatever. They are a get way to meet people, and the great part is that there is absolutely no pressure to meet again after the tour ends. If you click, awesome, arrange to travel more together. If not, no sweat!

You may find great group tours when you book your accommodation. Make sure to check out Airbnb Experiences for your destination. They have tons of local-led tours that are both fascinating and a great way to meet other travelers.

5. In Person

The best place to meet like-minded people is when you are just going about your daily business. Nomads tend to gravitate towards each other. You will meet in working cooperatives, in your hostel, at surfing lessons, or touring an ancient ruin. Don’t be afraid to talk to people in person!

6. There’s an App for That

There are several apps that help travelers connect, either before the trip or during. Backpackr is a great app that allows you to converse with other travelers who are going to be in the same place as you at the same time. You get to know each other in “the common room,” and you can choose to meet up later in person.

Nearify is a complete social calendar for a location, all in one app. Just type in your destination, and it will let you know pretty much every kind of gathering that is going on in the city.

Eatwith is a great app for foodies. It helps match travelers with local hosts for food tours, cooking classes, and pretty much anything else food related!

Worldpackers is a work exchange app that allows you to swap a few hours of work for free accommodation. These work spots are a great place to meet other nomads and locals alike!

Tips for Successfully Traveling With Strangers

1. Don’t ignore your gut.

You know when you meet someone, and everything in you says “there’s something not right about this person.” Listen to your gut! While you want to keep an open mind, one of the goals of travel is to meet new people, there are those who take advantage of lonely travelers.

If you get a bad vibe from someone, if they ask too many personal questions too soon, or if they try to get you to alter your plans immediately, take a step back. Make an excuse, or just say you don’t want to hang out any longer. It is better to risk looking like a jerk for a second than to get yourself into a dangerous situation you can’t get out of. Trust your instincts.

2. Set detailed expectations.

While you will likely look like a dork when you insist on setting expectations for a trip, the whole group will thank you later. Make you have a plan for how you will split expenses. Make sure your travel companions know that you don’t have to do every activity together. If they don’t want to do a particular adventure that you do, make sure they understand that you are cool to go this one alone. Make sure you go do it! Dragging each other on unwanted adventures or skipping things you really wanted to do causes bitterness over time.

How will you be splitting bills? Will you use cash? Will someone put it on their credit card and everyone else pay them back? Will you just alternate who pays? Have a system that is fair for everyone and that you all can agree on.

3. Make sure you have some time alone.

Traveling in a group is great for all the above-stated reasons, but it can get taxing too. The more personalities you lump together, the more eccentricities you are going to be working around. Traveler 1 doesn’t eat meat, so finding a restaurant is a chore. Traveler 2 doesn’t like to stay in hostels. Traveler 3 always wants to hitchhike, while traveler 4 prefers Uber.

Some are late sleepers. Others are early risers. Some are teetotallers and others pop a top for breakfast. It might not be anything major, but all these little differences can stack up over time, resulting in bad attitudes. Plus, you need time to yourself to think, meditate, enjoy quiet without conversation, and experience the world on your own terms.

If you need a break, just tell your travel companions that you are going to visit a museum today and that you would like to be alone. Take a jog. Go to that restaurant that only serves sausage. Just do you with no compromise.

4. Don’t get into long contracts.

When you first meet a travel companion, and you just click, it is hard to imagine that in just a few days, you will be ready to pull their hair out. But, it happens! We all put our best foot forward when we meet someone, but that doesn’t last. When you spend all your time eating, sleeping, riding, and touring together, you can get sick of someone quickly, especially if they turn out not to be who you thought they were.

You don’t want to be stuck in a 2-week car rental or a month-long apartment rental when things go sour. Keep your schedule open and your commitments light. Parting ways will be a lot easier and more amicable when nobody loses money over it.

5. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t vibe.

Not every traveler you meet is going to be your new best friend. Some people you will naturally vibe with, and you will form lifelong friendships. Others you will get along with great, but you will never see or talk to them after your few days together. Still others, you will go out for a night and realize that you just don’t live the same life, and that’s okay.

Never feel guilted into going on a trip or purchasing an activity that you don’t want to do. Don’t feel obligated to hang out with a group that you just don’t enjoy. It’s a big wide world, and there are plenty of your people in it. If it doesn’t vibe, just graciously step out.

6. Don’t be a lush!

When you are traveling with a group, be aware of your alcohol and drug consumption. First of all, you don’t really know these people. They may seem like good folk, but then you wake up alone with all your stuff missing… or worse. This rule, unfortunately, goes double for female travelers.

Not only is your safety an issue, but so is your behavior. Too much alcohol makes many people difficult to deal with. Some get too needy. Others get violent and agitated. Others get a little too friendly for new friends. We aren’t saying don’t have fun, but judge the room, and be careful.

7. Split expenditures fairly.

Whatever way you decide to split expenditures with your group, ensure that is fair to everyone involved. You might choose one person to keep up with expenditures and who paid what. If you are alternating paying for dinners, maybe you put a cap on orders and have one person keep up with who’s turn it is. Do all the documenting together. That way, everyone knows it is fair. It is much less likely that you will fight over funds in the future when it has been diligently documented together along the way.

8. Be careful traveling with sexual partners.

Lots of young solos find a hookup among travel companions. It’s pretty common in the travel universe. If they still look good in the morning, you might decide to hit the road together, then… disaster!

Sexual attraction does not a good travel buddy make! To be honest, there are really very few people you encounter in your adventures that you are going to be able to travel long-term with. For most relationships, a few days is plenty long enough. This is even more true when there has been a sexual relationship. When sex is involved and things go south, they go fast. If you are genuinely interested in this person and want to spend more time with them, then great. Just take it slow, and commit to a day trip or a short adventure, nothing more.

9. Be sure the situation is mutually beneficial.

Nobody wants to travel with a mooch. If you are always needing to borrow toothpaste, don’t bring any incite or interesting conversation to the table, and you never have plans of your own, then you aren’t very fun to travel with.

Long-term travelers are generally of the independent sort. They can make it without you, and if you are a drain on the system, they will. This goes for your travel companions too! If you find that you are being used for your stuff, your knowledge, or your abilities, and your companions are not pulling their share of the load, then it’s time to move on.

10. Be open to learning.

Unfortunately, one of the big problems in the travel world is that some intrepid travelers think they know it all! You can’t tell them anything. You haven’t been anywhere they haven’t been first, and their country count proves it. Don’t be that kind of traveler.

There is always something you can learn from another human. Their history, culture, and attitude are different than yours, and there is always a positive that you can take away from your encounter. Look for the positives. Learn from their wisdom. It’s not a competition, it’s a relationship.

11. Don’t take things personally.

Like we’ve said, there will be times when you need to be alone. That means there will be times when your travel partners need to be alone too! Don’t take it personally when they want to go for dinner without you. It’s probably not a reflection of how they feel about you. They just need some space to be alone.

Nothing can ruin a relationship, any relationship, faster than assuming the worst of your companion. Don’t assume that you have done something wrong. Don’t let your mind linger on words you have said. They don’t hate you and probably are not talking behind your back. Having personal time was part of the original agreement, remember? It’s healthy for everyone.

12. Be flexible.

Traveling with companions will change your travel itinerary. Even if you make time for personal outings, you will still likely compromise a few things to hang with the group. This can be a great thing! While you don’t want to compromise on your must-see items, consider adding a few of your friends to the list too. You may end up finding a new hobby that you love, meeting the love of your life on an impromptu white-water rafting adventure, or finding your forever home in a quaint, unheard-of village. You never know!

Being flexible with your itinerary is one thing, but you will also have to be flexible with other parts of your life. For instance, you might have to stay in a hotel you don’t like tonight, but you chose the spot yesterday. You are going to have to adapt to the people you travel with. A good travel group adapts to each other’s needs. It can’t be one-sided. Everyone has to do their part. Be patient with each other. Look for the positives. Don’t dwell on your differences.

13. Allow loved ones to keep tabs.

If you are going on an outing with a new friend, be sure to let your old faithfuls know where you are. Shoot your mom, or your bestie, a quick text that gives them the details of where you are going, who you are going with, and an estimated time that you will be back. If you are staying in a small hostel, guesthouse, or with a local, you may even leave your phone number with your accommodation, and have them call you if you aren’t back by a certain time. While we believe most fellow travelers are good peeps, there are still creeps out there, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Find a buddy and hit the road!

Personal growth is a big part of world travel, and if you do it correctly, you will grow exponentially when traveling with strangers! You get to fulfill your own wanderlust, but you also get to meet interesting people who enrich your life in ways you didn’t even know you needed. Don’t be afraid to approach people, and don’t assume that the world is dangerous. There are obviously dangerous people out there, but there are also thousands of wonderful travelers, just like yourself, who might be a little lonely too. Take a chance!

Have you had a good (or disastrous) experience while traveling with a stranger? We would love to hear about it. Drop it in the comments!

One of the best ways to meet like-minded travelers is to volunteer together! Check out “Volunteer Vacations: How to Give Back” for a comprehensive list of organizations and destinations.

Our travel blog is chock-full of advice, so stick around! Whether you’re headed to New York or Bali, we’ve got tips and tricks that should help! Thinking of setting out on a long trip? Before you do, take a peek at our “21 Clever and Creative Ways to Save Money for Travel.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find strangers to travel with?

Today, traveling with strangers is as easy as clicking a few buttons. Jump on a destination Facebook group, sign up for Couchsurfing, or utilize Airbnb’s and Hostelworld’s group experiences.

Is there an app to connect with strangers while traveling?

One of the best apps for traveling with strangers is Hostelworld. You can find accommodations, adventures, and like-minded travelers all in one app.

What are good activities to do when traveling with a stranger?

When traveling with strangers, keep it light. Consider a group adventure tour, like a city scavenger hunt, or a fun bar crawl.

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Tips for Traveling With Strangers (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.