The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


CLEVELAND, Amociate Editor. CLEVELAND: TUESDAY OCT. 13, 1857. Democracy, 11 and UNION. Our Flag is There! Democratic Head Quarters are now at The APPOLLO HALL, Near the Plain Dealer Building, Superior Street.

NEW TORK B.INKS SUSPENDED. A telegraph from N. Y. at 1 P.M. to-day, says, "all the Banks on west side suspended today." This means N.

N. proper. Kansas Election--Latest Returns. ST. Lorie, Oct.

Leavenworth Kansas Herald of the 10th says the official returns of enworth are nearly completed. The average Democratic majority 250, securing 5 members of the lower and 5 of 1 be upper House. Average Democratic majority in Atchison Co. 60, insuring 3 members lower and 1 upper House. Jefferson Co.

Republican by 150, giving 2 members House, 1 Council. Douglas Co. Republican by Jobneon Co. Democratic by 1600. The district formed by these counties elected 8 members of the House and 3 of the Council, and the Democrats Claim the election of the entire ticket by 60 majority.

Shawnee Co. Dem majority 350. Calhoun Co. Rep. maj.

84, elects 1 member of the House. The Democrats charge that numbers of armed men came from Nebraska and voted Republican tickets. The Democrats claim majority in both branches of the Legislature. The above is from the leading Free State organ of the Territory, and no doubt states the facts as favorable to its party as possible. It matters not so much who are elected in that distracted county as how they were elected.

It should be a matter of congratulation everywhere and by everybody, that the citizens in fact voted, and did E0 peaceably, This was the great point to be gained, and it is has been gained by substituting the peaceful and lawabiding policy of Walker, as prescribed by the present Administration, for that of "Jim Lane," as dictated by such screechers Chase, Giddings, and Horace Greeley. The result is before the country--the reign of terror is over, and "order reigns in Warsaw!" With the termination of these territorial troubles ends the political existence of the present Black Republican party. It came into existence on the one idea of making Kansas a free State. This constitutes its entire capital in trade, and NOW, like other joint stock companies which have been doing business on a fancy basis, it has got to suspend. Kansas is free, not by their 4 aid societies," Topeka Conventions, or Constitutions, but in spite of them all.

When these Republican and revolutionary agencies were all laid aside, the Topeka Constitution, Border Ruffing, and Beecher Rifles, repudiated; then the people peaceably went to work, as they always will do when "left to regulate their domestic institutions, in their own way," framed a State Government, and are now on the high road to sovereignty. The Atlantic Cable. The London Observer It is nOw un- riment is estimated at about £30,000." The Way to Stop the Panic. derstood to be determined definitely not to renew the attempt to lay the Atlantic cable this year. The cable is to be forthwith unshipped from the holds of the Agamemnon and Niagara, and stowed away for the winter in the Government dockyard at Keybam.

There it is to be well tarred and attended to, to prevent it from rusting. In the mean time about one thousand miles more of the cable are to be manufactured, which, with with the quantity in hand, will make three thousand miles for the experiment next year. The cost of the Farmer, if you have any gold laid by, take it to your merchant; should all do 80, grain will bring 25 cents per buebel more than it otherwisc will. Mechanica, let the best man you know have what specie you can spare, otherday labor will full twenty trade per and good Merchanta, as you deeire good pay, help as best you can your neighbor, the the manufacturer and mechanic. Banks, you are creatures of circ*mstances, bow your heads to the people, and be thankful for small favors.

The panic can be stopped." LOoK OCT FOR SPLIT Plain Dealer Office has been striking off thousands of spurious tickets for the purpose of deceiving Repuclican -Morning Liar. That is a falsehood, known to be such when the Liar of the Leader uttered it. We bave printed nothing but the regular Democratic ticket. EXPRESS MAIL AGENTS. -Express route agent to accompany the mails on the line from Baltimore, via Columbus, Ohio, to Cincinnati, have been appointed by the Postmaster General, as Moor J.

Falle, Charles A. Leas and Alfred I. Davie, Baltimore, M. E. Price, Harper's Ferry; D.

R. Hoxie, Wheeling, and John R. Brooke, Newark, Ohio. The agents are paid at the rate of $1,000 per ADpum. A COMMENCEMENT.

-It is stated that one of the beet dry goods jobbing houses in Boaton gave an order on Thursday, by telegraph, for the ebipment of 17,000 bushels ef wheat in that market, received at Chicago from their customers, in lieu of money. Parental Fond parent, (to big son:) 64 Yes, New York is place to get on 3 in. Look at Jones; he started without a penny, and has lately failed for a hundred thousand dollara. Of course that's an extreme case. I don't expect you to do as well as that.

Still, with honesty and industry, I see no reason why you should not, in the course of a few years, fail for fifty thousand dollars. Tax MISSOURI on STATE FAIR. -The St. Louis Republican, noticing the close of the great fair in that city, -The entire receipts from the gates and entries will amount to $30,000, or thereabouta, and, under all our fair can boast of being the most brilliant one held in Any State during the year, the national fair not excepted. WHY SHE WANTED TO Go dear," said a loving husband to his loyal spouse, who was eeveral years bia junior, What do you say to moving to the West?" Ob, I'm delignted with the idea.

You recollect when Morgan moved out there, he was 88 poor Ag we are, and he died in three years worth $100,000. Low PRICE OF WHEAT IN IOWA -The Iowa City Republican states that farmers are offering wheat in that city for 40 cents per buabel, and cannot find purchasers. The Republican adde, 44 the same state of facts is reported of the Muscatine and other river markets, and, indeed, we way say of the markets generally of the PUBLIC SURVEYS IN The returna of public surveys in Nebraska have received at the General Land Office showing the subdivisional lines of townsbips 2, 3, and 4 north, of ranges 5 and 6 east of the sixth land principal meridian, embracing 121,907 acres of and which lands are situated immediately north of through which Big Blue courses, the Ottoee reservation, and lie within the South P'latte district. Mr. Willia, the expelled Cambridge divinity student, lectured on Spiritualism at Boston, Sunday, and the Boston Courier improves the occasion to mount the spiritual hobby again.

Rev. John Pierpout appeared on the stage with Mr. Willis, and gave in his adbesion to spiritualism. SENTENCED TO BE -Wm. McAllister, the first setler and original owner of the land on which Albion, Or Orleans county, N.

Y. etande, has been sentenced to be hung on the 23d of October, for firing house of the county superintendent. McAllister is 78 years of age.He receired his sentence with the most perfect indifference. The Democratic Victory in California. In view of the recent brilliant and decisive victory of the democracy in California- a clear and undisputed victory over the combined force of black republicanism and know noth-the editor of the San Francisco Globe senda the following greeting to his 6 Atlantic frienda:" We send greeting to the democracy of the East, and congr tulate them upon the fact that We have once more met the enemica of the constitution in this State, and that they have sue.

cumbed. The majority of Col. Weller over Mr. Stanly, the nomince of the black will not come short of from twenty to thirty thousand. His majority over both Stanly and Major Bowle, the American" candidate, will aleo be considerable.

The Republican" didate rallied to his support all the isms of the day, and under the specious guise of reform endeavored to array a powerful opposition Mia for the defeat of the democratic candidate. friends waged a bitter warfare during the campaign, and brought the most calumnious charg. ea against all the democratic nominecs. But all was in vain; the people were not to be deceived, and the result is before us in a noble triumph of the democracy. The democratic party dioplayed on its flag the mottoes of popular sovereigaty in the, the justice of the decision in the Dred Scott case, the non agitation of the subject of slavery, the importance of the Union and the integrity of the constitution.

They also c'ared for A reform in the State government and for the early payment of the State debt. Col. Weller, as the champion of the tion of James Buchanan and of the democratic party here, took the field on these issues and traversed the greater part of the State, meetiug the advocate of sectionalism at every point, and maintaining the causc of the people with a torce of argument and fullnces of illustration which have never been surpassed. Ile left the decision with the masses, and they have responded in thunder tones throughout the length and breadth of the State. Whatever other States may do, whatever temporary triumphs may be achieved by the Black Republicans" in other localities, California is bound to stand by the Union and the constitution.

The Georgia Election. Ob, my--no. Phineas must be your name. Remember it, now." Then the other friend was put through. What's your name, sonny 6 Eei." Mercy! what a name! That will never do.

I suppose it must be Elias Yes eir From private despatches received last ing from Augusta and Savannah we learn that Brown the Democratic candidate fur Governor, is elected by about ten thousand majority! The Democrats have carried both branches of the State Legislature by largo majoritica. In the sixth Congressional district, Jackson, Democrat, is elected by two thousand majority Congressional Delegation stands six Democrata to two Know Nothings--a Demoeratic gain of one. The delegation is as follows 1st district, James L. Seward, Democrat. 21 do Martin J.

Crawford, Democrat. 3d do Robert P. Trippe, Know-nothing. 4th do Lucius J. Gartrell, Democrat.

5th do Augustus R. Wright, Democrat. 6th do James Jackson, Democrat. 7th do Joshua Hill, Know knowing. 8th do A.

H. Stephens, Democrat. am a man with inquiring mind, and rather apt, I confess, to be surprised at the discoveries my peculiar disposition leads me often to make. But, this morning, I overheard, accidentally a conversation of 80 astonishing and ghastly a nature as to put all my acuteness, both natural and acquired, 10 utter discomfiture. I have, at a watering place, a room next two pretty young ladies, so much like other young ladies of the present season, that I hardly noticed them, except to wonder in what part of the immense periphery that they carried about with them, they themselves were.

This morning one said to the other, "My dear, I cannot find my bones; and how can I go to breakfast? I shall look as if I bad fallen to plecee." "I will lend you my skeleton, dear, it will fit you." "Ob, thank you! -how exactly." Only one young lady appeared at breakfast. What was the condition of the one who lent her skeleton. Excerpts from the Lady's Book for you are looging very smiling. What has happened?" most delighthful thing. I caught my Jenny by surprise this morning in her wrapper, and without hoops; and I got the first kiss I I've had since whalebone skirts came into fashion." A little friend of ours, aged two years, vas afraid of geing into a dark room, alwaye protesting that there were "tigers" in it.

His mother, who wished to cure him of this fear, told him that tigers did not live in houses, but in a country far, far away. Somo days after, the child's nurse left town for the summer. "Mamma," said the little one, "where is Jane?" "Jane has gone far away into the country," said his mother. "Tigers 'Il get her." said tho Mr. LELAND, -I notice that for the past seven or eight months, you have been collecting a 44 Cabinet of Kisses." I take the liberty fore of sending you my cabinet, fer, I too, am A collector of such curiositice.

The first oddity that comes in my way is a remark by some oue, "that kisses are like creation, because they are made of nothing and are very very seueible remark, by the way--and the next is a definition of a buse." Thus: to kiss; rebuss, to kiss again; pluribus, to kiss without regard to sex; silly bus, to kiss the hand instead of the lip; blunderbue, to kiss the wrong person; omnibus, to kiss all the persons in the room Erebua, to kiss in the graveyard or in the dark. Evidently the country girl who came to town" last fall had these definitions in her bead. A young gentleman was to escort her mile or two dewn-town-warda, and not wishing to walk, he remarked, "Hold on, Marylet's us take a But Mary, to the eye brows, drew back, and with wounded modesty, George! not right here in the street Our readers may remember that we not long ago told them 8 etory of 4 Great Hans, little Hans, r-o-n." We have another of that ilk, to which they will please to listen! A young gutter-snipe, born and bred in the Five Points region, and who had never known that he had any other name than plain Jack, was hauled one day by brother Brace into the commission school, and with him alid two coma8 Fin" and Eel." rades whom he had only known in like manner, The latter was first aeked: What in your name?" Fin," was the reply. All this while gutter-snipe had been staring at the odd manner in which biz friend's names had been lengthened out. At length, however, a glance of intelligeuce shot over his dirty face -he took the joke--and when asked what his name was, sarcastically answered with a "you don't eell me" look" JACKASS." A SINGULAR DYING find the following on in that sober and truthful sheet, the Observer.

Of course, 00 shade of doubt can rest on the actual occurrence of the incident: "An old man dying in Boston, recently, was aaked if he would have a clergyman sent for. He re quested to eee Rev. Dr. Colyer, who called upon Him accordingly. The rich man said, bare sent to request you to keep those coufounded cats in your yard quiet to night." A Militia captain out south, on receiving A note from lady requesting the pleasure of big company, understood it as a compliment to those under his commend, and marched the whole of them to the lady's house.

POLITE TO THE LAST. -On the death bed, a distinguished humorist requested that no one might be invited to his funeral. "Because," sighed the dying wag, "It is a civility I can never repay." ABOUT MAKING MACCLAY A The London News says of the announced pecrago of Macaulay, the biatorian As a lawyer, Mr. Macaulry never affected to practice, as a legislator, be baa never attempted anything; as an administrator, at home or in India, his warmest admirers do not pretend that he ever manifested any peculiar fitness or faculty. A young lady alighted from a stage coach, when a piece of ribbon fell into the coach.

"'You hare left your bow behind," said a lady passenger. no I haven't, he's gone a fishing," innocently rejoined the damsal, proceeding on her way. A little friend, while coming down staire, was cautioned by his mother not to lose his balance. The question which followed was a puzzler "Mother, if I should lose my balance where would it go to Murder by the Ohio Life Trust. Dr.

Ww. C. WILLIAMS of Manchester, who lost $10,000 by the Ohio Life and Truat hung bimself in a barn on the night of Oct. 6." Here is another suspension chargeable to the Ohio Life Trust. Humorous Miscellany.

Wo give the following story, with which We presumo most of our readers are familiar, or a curious illustration of a world- wide one which, in nearly the same form, has been told by the Indians of Peru and the Arabians, from time immemorial: THE WAY THE YANKEE RAISEDTHE CHICKENS. -Ono of those peculiarly slab-sided Yankces which the prolific oil down cast produces in abundance, lately emigrated and settled dowa in (the vicinity of Cheenut ITill. He was the very picture of a mean, shifty Yankee, but as he put himself to work in good earnest to get his house to rights, the neighbors willing lent a helping hand. After he got everything fixed according to his notiona, a thought struck him that he had no bena, and ho was powerful fond of ructing raw eggs. He was too boncst to steal them, and too mean to buy them.

At last a thought struck him -be could borrow. He went to a neighbor and accosted himtt Well, I reckon you hain't got no hen nor nothin' you would lend me for a few weeks?" I will lend you one with pleasure," replied the neighbor, taking one of the finest out of the coop. The Yankee took the hen home and went to another neighbor and borrowed a dozen of eggs. He set the hen on the eggs, and in the course of time she batched cut a dozen of chickens. The Yankee wag again puzzled; he could return the heR but he could not return the egga.

Another idea--and who ever BAW a Yankee with but one- came to big relief; he would keep the hen until be would lay the dozen egga. He then returned the hen and the eggs to their respective owners, remarking as he did so: Wall, I guess I've got as fine a dozen of chickens as you ever laid your eyes on, and they didn't cost me a darn'd cent, nuther." Perhaps a thousand years hence, when all the world has changed its bearinge, that old story of the hen and the eggs will be narrated in the great high-cum-foozle phalanx of Oregon, as something which lately took place in this neighborhood. Why, sometimes when we look over Rabelais 'and Frischlinus, we begin to doubt if there's such a thing as a good new story extant. The following is having quite a run at present: North American Review tells the following good story: A countrymen of ours of somewhat rude appearance, walking on the strand early in May, saw his favorite diah of strawberries and cream blushing at him from a counter of a restaurant. Entering, he carelceely called for a bowl, to the marked surprise of several persons present, who knew the extravagance of the luxury, and rightly supposed the American was ignorant to what ecst he was putting himself.

He had not finished bia repast before the curious looks of the company suggested bis mistake, and aroused all his latent pride. What is to pay inquired he as he laid down big dish, not without a lowering side look at the wiseacres who waited for his chopfallen aspect when the victualler's reply should fall upon his waiting ear. A guinea, sir." Tossing down the coin from a not over-full purse, and bridling up with an air of assumed indifference, I'll take another!" was the American's only rejoinder. Rather a weak brother, that! Hay-seed still in his hair. When he has traveled a little further he will learn that if a man has all the "spunk" in the world, he need not spend money foolishly just to astonish half a dozen of the gaping mob of London.

And yet we like such a story--it is a study of character, and shows a national folly in a very characteristic light. 1837 and 1857. of the country in 1837 and at present. The There is no analogy between the condition euspension of that year took place in the spring, when the crops of the prior Fear bad been consumed-when we were importing from Europe--when exchange was against us, and specie was flowing out of the country.Now the last crop 13 unconsumed, and almost wholly in first banda, and it is unexampled in extent. The yield of cotton, sugar and tobacco, the great staples of the South, and of wheat, corn, potatoes and oats, the great staples of the North, immensely exceeds any thing ever before knewu.

These crops have not began to inove, and yet exchange is in our favor at such a rate as to allow a margin of profit to import specie front Europe of between eight and nine per the trade is such that specie must come, and that within thirty days, while we have a semi-monthly yield from California of a million and a half of dollars. Thie comparison reveals ample sunsbine for the immediate future. The recuperative elements of the country could scarcely be greater or better. They are absolutely tremendous. The bottom is eolid.

And we shall stand ou chis bostom by and bye And this je incite. ment to present exertion. Every merchant and bueinees man who sustains himself during the next thirty days will be able to cry Land Lo! The effort may be severe with many, but courage is one-balf the battle. As victory is sometimes wrung from defeat, so may business safely be enatched from apparent disaster.4 Dou't give up the ship." A NEW WINE. We have had the pleasure of tasting (to a new wine, made from juice of the tomato.

We consider ourselves "a good judge of wine," and pronounce this a first rate artiole. It is made with no other ingredients than the pure juice of the tomato and sugar, and very much resembles champogne, a light transparent color, with pleasaat, palatable favor. We believe it can be made equal to the best champagne. East Tennessean. PROFITS OF CHINESE SUGAR -The editor of the 8bawnectown Illinoisian, who has been cultivating the Chinese sugar cane, eatimates that one acre of ground will produce $87 50 worth of molasses, seed and fodder, at a he of.

Le placed the cost at the very highest cost $32 50, leaving a profit of $55 an acre. probably too high by FIRE AT Thursday morning a fire broke out in the button factory of John Krieger, in Cincinnati, and it was entirely deatroyed. The building belonged to Mr. Gamble, of the firm of Procter Gamble. His losa will be about that of Mr.

Krieger over $30,000. His insurance is $5,000. CHEAP -The Iowa City Republican states that farmers are offering wheat in that city for 40 centa a buabel and cannot find purchasers. The Republican adde, the same state of facts is reported of the Muscatine and other river markets, and indeed we may say of the markets generally of the State. CASE.

-The papers are publishing a strange account of a woman at Horican, Warren county, N. who bag been sick since the 20th of September last, during all of which time she has not eaten any food. Indeed since the 28th of June, 1855, she has not eaten more than enough for single meal. FIRE AT Wedneeday the flour house and frame stable of F. Shatter, baker, at Lancaster, were destroyed by fire, together A man named Adams, the alleged incendiary, with a valuable and A quantity cf dour.

way arreated. NORTHERN GIRLS IN glade, of Vermont, was in Indianapolis, Indiana, last week, with twenty-ene New England girls, whom he was taking West for the purpose of giving employment as school teachers. A CHARMING COUNTRY. A large portion of the swamps of Florida is said to be capable of producing 500 bushels of frogs to the acre, with alligators enough for fencing. An emigrant wandering there in search of neighbors, would undoubtadly soon meet a settler.

man, not long since, in St. Louis, WAS fined $30 for using obscene language ou the street while ladies were passing. All vul. garity and profantty in the public streets should be punished in the same way. THaNK GITING DAY.

-The Governor Council of New Lampabire have appointed Thursday, November 26th, for thanksgiving day in that State. This is the first of the season. Let the Governors of the other States note this fact. DEATH OF A RACE- HORSE. -Balie Payton, a celebrated race-horse, who was sold four years ago for $9,000.

died on the farm of TY. 0. Scott, his owner, in Powhatan county, laet wrek. Staffordshire, in England, is the great seat of the porcelain and cotton manufactories. No lees than 60,000 persons are employed in the works, and the annual Talue of the porcelain manufactured amounts to about $10,000,000 three-fourths of which are exported.

Los3 ON SUGAR -It is stated that there are now two cargoes of sugar in Georgetown, D. on which the lose, in consequence of the reduced prices, is forty thousand dollars. THE MORMON3. The Mormons are breaking up their quarters in all the Eastern States, preto paratory, Utah. as is surmised, to a general migration Thero was quite a frost up the Hudsen river on Thursday night, and the railroad track was to thickly coated as to materially delay the progress of the Four hundred thousand dollars of the Obio Life and Trust Company stock was held in Hartford county, Conn.

WHAT's IN A -George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson sailed in the ship Eliza Adame, from New Bedford, on Wedneeday, on a whaling voyage. DIED: Oct. 18th, ELIJAIL eldest con of Hamilion A. and Mary Hough aged 20 years and 9 months. Fuberal at the residence No.

Sterif Street, the 14t.h at o'clock. Friends of the lamily are invited to attend. moraine. Oct. 13th, MARY E.

eldest daughter of Jense P. and W. Bishop, ag 16 years 11 months. Funeral will take place at her fathers residence 169 Prospect St. af ernoon, o'clock.

Friends are re spec fully voted to attend. There is nothing in the whole list of med icines creating such a stir among invalids as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator or Liver Remedy. Itgives such quick relief as to convince the patient of receiving benefit almoat as soon as the medicine is taken. We do not know of a single instance where it has been taken without benefit, and in all cases 8 complete cure is effected by its use.

It has acquired its wide popularity simply because it does what it is reconnended to do. It is constantly enlarging its circle of friends, carrying bealing on its wings, and joy to the hearts of those suffering from Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia or general debility. sep21d1m FONTAINE'S CREAM WILD few applications of this exquisite preparation will remove all eruptions and freckles from the skin, render the teeth A9 wh'te as alabarter, purify the mouth (especially after smoking or chewing.) and impart to the ath, so often ofensive, the moet agreeable fragrance. FOR WASHING INFANTE AND CHILDI will And it to valuable for preventiug chafing, and promoting health delicacy and beaut r. F.

G. FONTAINE 305 Broadway, and No. 6 Astor House, Net York. Sold by Druggiets, Sold b7 WM. FISKE, CHIAS.

E. AMES, and Druggists generally. sep8o daw1m A BEAUTIFYING CHANGE the color of grey, red or or sandy Hair is effected with ELECTRIC RAPIDITY, and without Injuring the Abres, by a single application of that MARVEL OF CHEMISTAY, CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR DYE. Unlike the pungent preparation which impart color by burnlug, this preparation docs not impair the LIFE OF THE HAIR. The blacks and browns it produces are cot dull and dead, but bright and glossy as those of nature.

For sale by all Druggists and Hr Ir Dressers. CRISTADORO CO. No. 6 Astor House, New York. Sold by WM.

FISKE, CHABLES E. AMES and Druggists generally, ONE DOLLAR Will Buy OF 'THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER MEDICINES DOW before the public, namelyDR. HANFORD'S INVIGORATOR, Or Liner Remedy, that acts as a Cathartic, easier and more etfectual than any other medicine known. It is cot. only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting frat on the Liver to elect its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry of that matter.

thus accompliseing two purpo-cs effectually with out any of the painful feelings experienced in the opera tions of most Cathartics. It strengthens the system at the same time that 'it purges it. and when taken in daily in moderate doses will strengthen and build it up with unus ual rapidity. DR. SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR is compounded entirely from a new article of medicine, namely, Gums.

come idea of the strength of these Gums may be formed when it is known that one bottle of the Invigorator contains as much as one hundred dosea of Calomel, without any of Though deleterious possessing etfects. mad cal powers, these Gums have been but little known to physiciane, and never used in their prescription 8 until used in the frin of the Luvigo. duce rotor. the which mot with such unprecedented success as to in. proprietor to off it as a family medicine tried and known in its effects.

It has rarely ev.r failed to cure Lieer Complaints in ther worst formne. Indigestion being cause by deranged Liver, Is cured when the liver is excited to action. Jaundice is caused by an Improper action of the Liver, and as a proof that the Invigorator relieves this disease let any one troubled with Jaundice take the Invigorator reg. ularly one week, and their skin will begin to assume ita original color. Costivenes8 can b' permanently cured by the Invigorator.

Take it in small dues betore retiring. and it assists cature in her operaton8. By gradually diminianing the dose, the bowels are left In a healthy and active state, and work as regularly as clock work. Sick Headache Is very anon relieved by taking a double dose of the Invigora or, which corrects all acidity and sournete of the stomach. For an over.

loaded stomach it has no equa', as it relieves all oppressive or uneasy feeling after eating heartily. For a family medicine generally, al who use it speak in the highest terms. Da. INVIGORATOR came to us recommended 86 a cure for LIver Complainta, and all diseases arrising from a diseased Liver. The testimonials of 80 many of our Physicians in its fivor, induced us to try it, and now conviction le certain that it is one of the greatest blessings ever given to D- speptice, for it made a complete cure before the drat bottle was taken, and now we can eat any.

thing edihle without trouble, while hefore no' bing but. the lightest food would digest, and often that gave pain Now what we want to say to all our readers is. it Liver Oomplaint (r Dyspepsia troub.e yo do not fail to try this the greatest remedy In the Sate Fact. There has never has been tried in our family a remedy which has inet with such unbounded success in the cure of diseases incident to children, as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator; nor is it alone for d'ecases of children that we use it for It acts as a Cathartic so mildly and gentle, aud seems to renovate the system so throughly that we think we are doing a service to all in advising them when the need med icine to try this remedy.

There are cares that have come under our notice where great benedt has been received in diseases of the LIver, Stomach and Bowels, where all cther remedies have failed to give relief. It has become PO usetul iu our family that we will not be without Jackconville, Alu. Republican. Price One Dollar Per Bottle. SANFORD PROPRIETORS, 835 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.

SANFORD Proprietors, Eroadway, New York, Sold by GAYLORD and Wm, FISK, Cleveland and GEO. II, KEYSER, Pittiburgh. June24d8m JOHN D. PARK. Cincinnau, Wholesale A Agent.

WM. FISK. and all Druggista. ednonday, October 14th, 1657. SHERIFF'S ASSIGNEE'S SALE.

$7000 Worth of Staple Dry Goods, CLOCKS, AT O. CUTTER SON. CUTTER SON will sell on Wednes day, Oct. 14, ac their Auction Rocm, Bank surest, com. mencing at 10 o'clock A.

per order of Serif and A stock White of pry Goads, Clocky, consistin gof Satinete, Red and Flannels, Brown and Blenched Canton Flannels, Printed Flannels, C'oburga, rine Wide Rrown etInge and Bleached Apron ('hecte, Bed TickA, Prints, Gingbama, De Lalora, Pa 'diaz, Sceliaa, Co' urek cambrict, White and Brown Liners 'Table White, Brown and Colored Linen Table Cloths. ine Irish Linena Men's and Women's Linen Handkerohiefs, Drawers Linen Towels, Med', Women's ant Wooled and Cotton Hose and Silk, Wowlen, Cotton Lisle Thread and Buck Glover, Suspendera, White and Color'd Spool Cotton. Fine Black Brown Linen Thr. ad, Redding Cembe, Hair Brushes, I'ert Monales, Pearl sh*t Buttona, Coat Vest and Part Buttona, Lacies Reticules, Undersleeves and Collara, Insertings, Pus, looks and Eyes, Vest buckles. Lot Grey Blankets.

1: ALSO: 149 Clocks, embracing all seyl a and qualitics. -Cash, bankable funds, or day of sale. M. M. SPANGLER, Sheriff.

EDUN SON, A 10. CUTTER SON, Auctioneer. CLEVELAND Trunk REMOVED, Depot! C. H. Goods from FORBY his old has stand reinoved on Superior his a.

reet, stock (in the of Franklin Buildings) to the Corner of Sunerior and Bank Streets, hoUSE, Where be will kerp coustantly on hand a large variety of SOLE LEATHER, and WOOD FRAME TRAVELING AND PACKING TRUNKS, VALISES AD CARPET BAGS, Also, the FRENCH PATENT FEATHER BAG, the most portable aid convenient article for traveling now in use. Cleveland Trunk Depot, C. H. FORBY. THE MOUTHPIECE OF GABRIEL'S HORN Gabriel may rest assured that I shall contract no debts in his name, as no ore will trust him out of the ir eight.

As for his bed. I have yet to learn shat he ever possessed sich au article -there being but one in the houre. for which I am indebted to my fri-1 da. A8 for leaving his board, I should say that the board "stole a march" on me. To the woman who bas relieved me of his presence for the last five weeks I am under obligations.

oct8 ANN GABRIEL. CHOICE STYLES Just received OF by DRESS GOODS! W. WARREN, No. 160 Superior Street, cor. Seneca Street.

Real Irish P'oplina, styles. Plaid Silks, few patterns beautiful. All Wool Figured De Lotue4 palm leaf patterne. Umbre Shaaed all Wool De Laines. Printed Frenca Merinos.

Pla'n French Merinoe, some small checke. Side Stripe Poplins. Chenille French Woul Long Misses' Square and Long Wool awls. MILLINER Shaw Co. Will open en THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Oct.

8th Ard 9th, Fall Styles Ladles Hats, Hew Dresses. Caps. of the latest and most approved to which they invite the atteation of ail. New Millinery Store. oct? 129 SUPERIOR STREET.

FIXTURES AT the ext 80 days 1 will sell Gas Fixtures, at prime cost. oct3 10. cuperior St. ENSWORTH, Mortgages For Cash. WANTED.

Several good AL.EX GARRETT, oct3 9 Real E-tate Ofice, No. Water St. REALOUR, CORN MEAL AND OAT oct6 R. T. LYON WEDDELL NO.



to customers in any part of the city. SO VILL WHEELER, rep29 q61-43m Agent 1ron Mountain Coal Co. AND CURTAIN BANDS.large assorturent a ways on band at Cornice put ur on short BECK notice. WIIH'S CARPET STORE. oct? PATENT OFFICE, RIGHT, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENCY.

No. 8 Ban) Street, (opposite eddell House.) oct5 DETON 00. Proprietors. TO FAMILIES. PAMPHLET STA.

ting all the modes of preventing conception wil be sent to you, on receipt ef a letter stamp to Box 844, New York Post Once," or Dr. Larmont, 82 Mercer stacet, opposite St Nicho las Hotel. New York. 25 6md SUGAR Retail can CURED be bad at DRIED BEEF, at SANBORN'S. Whole' Jea, 28.

No. 9 Ontario Street. NEW ADVERTISEMTS STANDARD BOOKS AT J. B. COBB on's Sermon's, 8:1 $1,00.

Racon's Essaye, 76c. of' Step icism. b.y Wa'ker, $1,00. Holy on the Diversity of Races, $1 50. Owen's Geological Survey of Iowa aid Wisconsin, $10,00.

Lewis' Amert an Spur aman, 4,90. Mauuil, by Forrester, Long's Classical Allan, $3 00. 00. 00. 00.

0 0 00. 00. Frank For ester's Flaking. 08,00. Mouel Architect 2 Vols.

Aurora Leigh. by Mrs. Brownirg. $1,00. Cart.

Marriatt's Worka r.ew ed tions, per vol. 00. Life of Patrick Henry, a1 Kennedy's Life of Wirt, 2 vols $3,00. Carpenter's on the Microscope, $1,00. Rush on the Voice $210.

Field Stern's ng a Work's, Worka. 2 4 vole. 02,00 co. Walker's Manly $1,50. Mabel Vaughan, $1.00.

Johnston's her stry of Cr inmon Life, $2,00. Lock's P'hilosoph cal Works. 9 vo 42,00. Dancing School. MR.

Juvenile DICKINSON Clara on Saterley, WILL Cetober 17th, al COMMENCE Chapin': Hall. Mr. I) wil introduce a clast of "chest" exercis, which are performed to wuen learned. Thrae eXercises have been prevent the arranged 84 by from the beer Medicai Faculty shouldered of a bo Europe, rre compelled expressly to sit o. er their de kg and study through the day.

Mr. D. will give such informatio. as may be nectasry to those who wish I their applying as above to on practlue Saturday the at 2 exercises, o'clock in P. regard for to the d'eea, gen- by BuM.

Terra- $6,00. to Le paid in advance. Mr. 1. will commerce a class for adults on Monday evenirg at 74 o'clock at the above place.

Oct. 18, For the Ladies---Forest Grove. DIE PROPRIETOR OFFERS TWO Beautiful Prizes tor the two brat riders on presence FAlu of day, any Oct. 1m- 17 at the above 'To avoid the pre per pers on the ground, a'l who enter for the prizes must fend their name and readence to the prop letor. and le wul hare them 1 id before tre Con mit'ce for their consideradon.The riling will commerc- at 4 o'clock P.


Willeme, Hon. John Crowell, M. t-pangler, S. Kerdig, G. B.

J. H. SI P. Winslow, J. w.

Gray, as Merchant, J. K. Curtis. cct18-4t W. MYERS, Proprietor.

Trotting and Pacing--Forest Grove. ON will give 28 THURSDAY, prize for the fastest THE trotter, 15th 2d class, one Sin- I gie Harness. To mile beate, best 3 in 6. Entrance fee, $5,00. A tor the fastest racer, 20 clase, a Single Harness.

To arness, in 5. Eutrenco fer, 05,00. Parties enteri: 3 will choose their Judges. ilo erg will start at 2 P. M.

box al the Marrle Hall. All who would enter, mue: 80 (R or before Wedneeday, 14th inet P. M. R. W.

MY oct13-4t Proprietor. IN A PRIVATE FAMILY. -A desirable room with board for a Gentleman and Lady or two Gentle wen, at prices adapted to suit the times. at 121 SI. CLAIR STREET.

TO Pearl RENT. -A Well, modern Cistern, Wood Sard Cottage and Barn' on aide, per IN MARKET FOR ONE Street Lot, directly opposite A. Perry, a residence. $15,50 cash. Last Call.


Bought Fin.c* the panic in the MONEY MARKET, and will be sold at TO SUIT THE TIMES! FANCY WOOLENS. English Carriage Boot a Basket Pattern Scarfe, Ladies' Lexin', Children's Leggita, Ladies' Zephyr Hoods, Misses' Zephyr Hoods. Misses' Victorines, Misses' Coate, Ocmforters. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, CY EVERY VARIETY ANI STYLE! Purchasers will do well to call and examine our stock. DOMESTIC GOODS.

An Extensive CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, WRAPPERS DRAWERS, WHITE FLANNELS, Of the best makes -in all qualities. Welsh, English and Dorset. FANCY FLANNELS, FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR. H. D.

KENDALL oct10 19, Superior Street. Punlic Square. Stanwix Hall, (LATE GEM) THE ABOVE PLACE HAVING CHIAN-! red proprietors, is now undergoing a thorough repair, rifitting. and will be opened on MONDAY, 12 86 a drat class Restaurant. oct10-d1w THOMAS ELWOOD CO.

Dancing Academy at the Gray's Armory. MR. inform' BALLOU the citizens of WOULD Cleveland, RESPECTFUL. will re- pen for the Season. at the Gray's Armory, on Saturday, October 17th, at 2 P.

M. for Ch Idren, 4 P. M. for Ladies, and on Monday at 8 P. M.

for Gentl men. TERMS $6,00 fcr 20 Lessons for Children's Class. Gentlemen Class 36 00 per cople for 12 Les or in ad vance. Leasons given to Families and Schools. Alto, to Private Cla sea or Single luvils, their resi 'ences, on application.

Mr. B. has spent the pass seaRon in the Eastern cities and has procured all ot latest styles of Dancing, which will be introduced into his schools. For particulars enquire of MR. BALLOU, No.

9 livar street. Oct TITE GABRIELS -Ann Gabriel has cultivated the babbling propensluirs to such an extent that I am afra'd she 1g desticed at future period to cecupY Iron 0 hair she wiahed her spouse would ml! in the lawer reg ons. In reference to th. lady spoken of in your last, abe saga she board you and your worthy spouse, as heretofore, and you will pot Le under any oblizations to her, for she considers you be path her not.ce ens au object of char.ty. WILLIAM II.

JONES, Seicet School for Young Ladies and Misses. TIE MISSES CHIAPMAN WILL OPEN ciid S'r-et, (between and Huutiugtca, South side,) on a Select School for Yourg Ladles and Misses, at 208 EuDAY. OCTOBER 15th. SARAH L. CHAPMAN, who has several yeare PIDerience in Teachu will give instruction in the usral English Klauches, Drawing anu ambroidery, assiated by EMILY S.

CHAPMAN. Less pg in Vocal and Instrumental Music will be given in the and in private, by Misses JULIA and EMILY CHAPMAN. Terms er Quarter, for the English Eranches, to $10. for Drawing or $16. $5.

KEFERENCES. 101. R. P. Spaulding, Hon.

S. Andrewe. Merers. Tm. Slade, James Mason, Handy, Dudley Baldwin, M.

Your glo. Thus. Brown, C. W. Palmer, Rev.

F. T. Brown. octlo.1wd* SALE, -By virtue of two Executions, levied on and shall expose for sale at public vendue. according to law, at the Eight Mile Lock in Itdependence, on the Gift day October, 1507, between the of 10 A.

M. and 4 I'. M. of said nay, the following descri. bed property, to wit: The Beat TOM.

PAIN. WM. GREEN, Constable. Independence, Oct. 9, 8 -All persons owing the late concern HAN OCK PYNCHON, are requested to make Irumediate payment, as all notes and accounts, after the 1st of November, will be placed in a Lawyer's hands for collecoct10-983 2wd JOHN J.

PYNCHON. sort ment SILKS. FANCY Received SILKS to day, an asoc: 9 HI. D. KENDALL 00.

-The business heretofore exiati under the firm of ODELL PRICE, is this day diss dived by mutual consent. I. G. is alone auchorized to the business of the late Arm, and will continue the same cn big own account a heretofore. ODELL Solor, 19, AT AUCTION! AT AUCTION! Mortgagee's Sale.

The entire stock of goods, comprising the rich and extenslye assortment SILVER JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, And a great variety of Staple and Fancy Articles, on exhibi. tion at the old stand of AIKEN CooN, 47 SUPERIOR CLEVELAND. Will be closed without at public auction, commenclog ON THURSDAY, the 15th M. In tte meantime GREAT BARGAINS are offered at private sale. Terme-Un purchases not exceeding $50, cash on purchases exceeding 450, appr ved paper at 90 ca) 8.

oct9.1w* DIANO FORTE FOR SAT For sale at lea tuan Cret coat, and on easy new Octave Piano Forte -never been used. This is a splendid Instrument and will be gold at a bargain. Enquire at the Real Estate Agency and Loan Office of HAINES NORRIS oct9 160 Superior Street, up stairs. BILLIARD Geatlemen of J. Cleveland WIZEMAN that be has begs taken The Empire Hall Billiard Room, Which will be reopened on Satur lay the 10th Inst.

where be will be to see those who woul! like to enjoy a fine game of Billjarda. He will spare no efferta to mate it pleas. alt resort for Gentlemen who indulge in the elegant pastime. The qual ty of the Tables are unequalled in this city, the pleasant location of the Rooms are well known. Boys will not be permitted to play, and no betting will be allowed, oct9 St Cleveland Medical College.

ANNUAL COURSE OF LECTURES this Irstitution will commence ca Wednesday, '4th of Novemter, and continue in weeks. JOHN DELAMA1 EK. M. Professor of Midwifery and of Women and JARED P. KIRTLAND, M.

Prof sacr cf the Principals and Practice of Medicine. J. any. LAAU CASSELS. M.

Professor of Chemistry and BitJACOB J. DELAMATER, M. Professor of Materia, Medica. Therapeutics, and Medical PROOTOR M.D., Professor ef Anatomy a nd Flys' GUSTAVE logy. C.

E. WEBER. M. Profeseor of the Princi. pies and Practice, H.

K. CUSHING, M. Adjunct Professor of Midwifery and of Women and Children. JOHN A. KNOWLTON, M.

D. Demonstratorof Anatomy. Fee for the entire course $60, cr a well secured premleors note, payable in 12 months, for Matriculation, Graduatior, Private Anatomy, 05. Good board, with rooms, light aud fuel, $2 to 03 par week. For furthe particulars see Spring and Sumter Circulara, which have been liberally circu steu.

JNO. DELAMATER, Dean. SAVE YOUR FUEL. GEMMIL'S PATENT RADIATOR AND RRGOLATOR, Saves a much lancer amount of fuel, and afforde much more Heat aa 1 Comfort than Bay other mode ever brougnt before the Public. The Design of the Radiator and Regulator Is to prevent the loas of Heat which la occasioned by the ord nary coustruction of stove pipes, in consequence of the patBare the current through the pipe in obedience to the known laws of reat, without producing the amount radiation which a mare favorable construction would give.

of the Radiator is as 'ollowe: The most copicus and poweriu' radiation (being always in direction perpendicu'ar to the sour of beat) by meeting the vertex of An inverted cone is defected, and the current which would berw'se pass upward w. thout producing any effect, is brought in contact with the surface of an outer casing. to which It imparte ita beat and la thence diffused through the apartment by radiation, This economy of by bringing into effective action the current which is suffered to eecape in an ordinary stove pipe, causes a proportional derrrase id the quantity of fuel required to produce a given amount of heat lu an apartment, which ving of fuel by experiment proved to be rather more than Afty per cent. call at the Real Estate and Loan Omce of HAINES NORRIS, No. 160 Superior Street, up staire, an 1 judge for yourselves.

mar state, County and Individual Rights for tale. BRUSHES, BUFFALO HORN Combe Combe, India Rubber Combe, Tortoise Shell Combe, Back, Side, Neck, Putt, Twist, Trick, and Dres ing 1:16 BENTON MATHIVET. GRAND DISPLAY OF Fall and Winter Goods THE Forest City Store Have on band a superb stock of Rich Goods, to which they are daily adding all the newest Styles both Imported and American. Consisting of Rich, Black, Plain, Fancy, Brocade and' Bayadere Stripe S. French, end English Plaid, Plain and Figured MERIN All colors of Wool, French, English and American Figured DE LAINE S.

Broche! Broche Broche! Broche Broche! Broobe! Broche! A Chenille, Plush? Bordered, Wool Square, Wool Stella Style and Genta HA All Styles, Shapes, Colors, and Prices of A Cocheco Whitney, Cocheco Swiss, and English BLANK TS Bonnets, Bouches, Velvet and Fancy Ribbons, and all kinds of LLINER Ladies' Collars, Sleeves, uone, and every tping in the I way of Cotton and Wool, French and English made 0 SIE R. Y. Gauntlets, Gaiters, Wristlets, Li Opera Cloaks, and OPERA HOODS! Ia fact full assortment of DRY GOODS which we are selling at our usual LOW PRICES! De BEGES WORTH la for 6d ped yard. DUCAL PLAIDS WORTH 31 cents for 16 cents, PLAID MERINOES WORTH 44cts for 25 cents. ENGLISH MERINOES WORTH 20 cents for 12 1-2 cents.

6-4 SHEETING WORTH 25 cents for 14 cents. BONNETS WORTH $8.00 for $5,00. And all our goods at corresponding prices. Only ONE PRICE is our system, with the goods marked in plain tigures. FOREST CITY STORE, 160 SUPERIOR STREET.

FOR SALE AND RENT. wrent security. Reute Stores, Rooms, dc. 8p3 1p J. FISHER, Proprietor.

IMPORTANT TO MANY. To property BUY, of any SELL, -get in or EXCHANGE out OR RENT of help, male or female, or employment of any bind. go to the EMPLOYMENT GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE, OFFICE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ONTARIO STREET AND PUBLIC SQUARE. Loans Negotiated. Letters enclosing $1,00 on any businers will be promptly attended to.

Office open from 8 A. M. to 7 M. de26 121 1y STEIN. Proprietor.

FINE BRICK HOUSE AT THE foot of Lank street, is for rent. Inquire of eep9 dir J. STAUNY, Post Omoe. FOR RENT. nice Ofliccs on first Post Office.

Also, two rooms on 2nd floor Poet building. suitable for sleeping apartments. Enquure DEALER OFFICE. aug17-tf Feet on Huron Street, a a' 440 dollars per foot. Terms casy.

n18 BELDEN SEYMOUR, Agent. TOR SALE. -Three in Folsom's Mercantile College. Enqui mal8 DEALT OFFICE. FOR SALE -A in one of the best Commercial sin the State, for sale at thie Ofire.

AND WARRANTS FOR SALE AT New York prices, adding 1 per cent for exchar ge, by mar10 A. SALE feet of ground corner Lake and Bank Strect-A valuable lot, and be cold on reasonable terms. Price $1 t4 per foot. Enjutre of AARON CLARK. Appt 17.

1857. 62 Ontario reat. RESIDENCE OF: ON RENT -The SUPERIOR sub-eiber, obliged STREET bythe health of to break up house otters hig resi. da for sale, and if not rold within a short thine, will rent it. The House is a double one.

conveniently arranged, with fur. pace. range, bath rooms, hot a colc water. There is good well. ice house, barn and fruit on the premises.

The Furniture, or a part of it, may be sold or rented with the house. Terms of sale will be made ensy and J. WARING. 7, TOR SALE -On Bolisar street, No 49, Brat class dwelling house, (brick) two stories, bailt last summer in the most sub-tantial mani er and best style of mod. ern architecture, wit'h This prop-rty is lorated, o- lv one walk from the the Market at the of the street.

The lot 19 40 fret front by 176 feet deep, with good barn, well and cistern. Ah.o, a lot of some 15 or more acre: of land on l'hillipa treet, Que mile Lorth of Doans and but little over three frein the Court louse. Tris lot will be sole very low, for out half down and the balance to 2 years: Inquire of the propr'etor on the promises. Terme will made ensy. SPRAGUE.

23 q44 CRu 49 Strect. wet of Erie. LOST, FOUND, WANTS. NOTICE. If the Jewelry person Store, about who two week: called since, at to have a rair of Gold Spectacles (which were aid to be found) judge 1, will call at this cilice with the rame, will And an Owner and be amply rewarded for the trouh e.

STRAY HORSES- Came into the enclosure of J. D. Taylor, North Royalten. or Wallin's Corners," Sapt. TWO LAY HORSES, Las a stripe cown his face and the order a tar on dis fore brad.

Tue owner can have them by proving and paying charges. I. TAYLOR. ock? North 0). gereral work aged ur ried wo A situation as Cook, or to do man; cau give goon reference, Enquire at 18 Johann Street.

TO LOAN ON WATCHES, or bought for cash. Watches and Jewelry 8 Hater street, corner of Superior, (up stairs. June 1-n64-1rd Wn. WAGNER. ANTED.

-A situction as Book keeper, Traveling Agent tor a Mercan lle, or Clerk in a Commer. cial House. tias had several years experience in the ah ve pursuits, and can furaish Leet possible reference Salary moderate. Address oct? 1w Box 1632, eveland, bio. Important Information, BY misery in WHICH families may MUCH be avoided SUFFERING sent to married AND men and those contemplating marriage.

enc'osing four postage stanipe, DR. L. F. PROBART, ju18-6m Box 8008, New York City, GERIAN. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE DETON INTELLIGENCE and GENER.

ENGLISH. or of the sell AL kid short security or any for Weddell. BORKOW Lelp notice of AGENCY exchange kind. a Males in every (up or Sell doe FOUR MONEY Information stairs) property. OFFICE, and ription.

tu on different NO. exhibit Get obtain Get Real 8 Rent Bank writings Estate languages. PATENTS. BEST Houses, Empiryment sir. or et, of execated Ac.

call collateral LOAN opposite BELP Buy For any on as work, OF of kid a ways above. DETON CO. ser-28-006-dly SPANISH. Pecple's General Information and Intelligence Agency, CORNER SUPERIOR ST. AND PUBLIC SQUARE, Basem*nt House's Block.

TAKE NOTICE THAT THIS Agency secures situations in City and Country, fo Make and Fer ales. of every description. 'The public will hear in mind that at this Agency they can procure reliable and compe. tent Book a eepers, Salesmen, Clerks, Porters. Drivers, Garden.

era, and Laborere for Ra.roads and Lake P'urposer. Pera ns in want of such, will do well to call, and if no is reDdered no charge is made. DISPOSES OF REAL ESTATE Of every kind, on Comm In large or small LOANS amounts on MONEY Real Estste; also on con BOERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS 00 INTIENDRAL. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMADY FOR DYSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND FEVER AND AQUE, This is purely a vegetable compound. prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner ifthe celebrated Holland Professor, Boerbave.

Because or ita great succes in most of the ean States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland Ecattered Meeting here and there over the face of this mighty country. with great among them, I now offer it the American public, knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged. It is particularly recommended to these persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent epirita, or other formg of dissipation. Generally instantapeous in effect, it Ands its way directly to the eGat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, ralsing up the drooping tem. spirit, and.

in fact, lufusing new Leslin and vigor in the 578- expects to And this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it wilt prove a grateful aromatic cordial, passussed of peculiar remedial properties. CAUTION The great popularity of thin delightful Arama has induced many Imitatione, which the public should guard ageinst purchasing. He not persuaded to tuy anythirg else until you have given Borhave's Holland Bitters a fair trial. bott'e will convince you how infnittly superior it is to all these imitations. Sold st $1 00 per bottle, or six bottlea for $5 00, by the SOLE PROPRIETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE JR, CO, Manufacturing Pharmaceuticta aud Chemists, PITTSBURGH.

PA. For sale In Cloveland by Gaylord Marmond, U. S. McKenze; E. E.

Ames, M. A. Grotsecki Benton de BrothWest Side. gins J. Gi.

Moore, Dentist, OHIO, PREPARED TO PERFORM ALL OP. erations connect with Improved ental Surgery, and will Ineert full setts. half and partial setta of true Porcelain Teeth, manufactured by M. L. Wright of this city, and will be arrangements receive and from a distance, having made with Dr.

W.ight for the earne of may be seen aL my Office or at Ur. Wright's Labratory. North of the Stone Church, near to Public Square. I Oftice my reficence, No. 18 intario etreet, two doors CLAIRVOYANT PHYSICIAN.

ed RS. P. Medical, M. PRICE, CELEBRATClairvoyant and Natural Physician, who bsa spent over Ave years in the actice of Medicica, with extrawhich ordinary had success, defed the curing skill many difficult and con: plicated diseases of the most celebrated Posi ious.Incouraged by her success patronage, Fl.e will re. main pirmanen ly lo died in Cleveland, lie deuce No- 56 Erie Street, where ale will promply attent to the calls of the Sick and A selected Mre.

P. with is care, Eclectic in Practice. her M. dicines are Vegetable; uch time in the and examination compounded by herese f. Having spent afflict her sex.

She see's and treatment of welcb 1p the treatment of as in saying she cannot be excelled this clams of Patients Particular attention paid to the practice of Obstetrirs lock of attenu in person, can be examined by 8 who Cal.not ba r. Charge for examination, with Diagnosis written out, for out 5 prescription to with Medicine and all 'I ou written enclosing a rostage stamp, strickly in of enquiry will receive attention. Mrs. M. 4.

PRICE. And the various a consequent upon a disordered a STOMACH OR LIVER. SUCH AS INDIGESTION, ACIDITY OF Despondency, Stomach, Colicky Heartburn, of Appetite Costiveness, Blind and Riced ng Pies In all Nervous, Rheumatic and Neuraigic Affections it has to numer. ous Instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decibed cure. GiRES Ward Locking Zuc Toilet Setts, Soler Lamps, Peaco*ck Feather Dusters, Plated Goods, Table Cutlery, Water Felters, Fruit Jara, Store.

Together with every thing usually. found at 3 Crockery J. W. ENSWOR aug 26-p98-dly 109 Superior Street. HEADS RULED TO ORDER AND Printed in a anner at lhe lowest prices, at PLAIN DEALER JOE OFFICE.

A ment Gold and Silver COMPLETE atche -to be sold ASSORT- cheap for cash, at J. R. ALBERTSON CO. Tes SILVER Seta. Trays, PLATED Kettirz, CASTORS, Price, atyle aud BASKETS, quality to suit everybody.


42 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OLIO. EARLE SPEAR, Central Market Ground, Pittsburgh Street. IN NEW AND SECOND FURNITURE. STOVES, TEDS, BEDDING and HOUSE KELPING ARTICLES GENERALLY. Per DOnS wishing to go to house keeping, a well as those wishing to repleniab thair Furniture, wifi dud this the most economic place in the citv to purchase.


Family and Private (Archestra Private Boxes, TIME OF OPENING. Deors open at 7 o'clock; commeuce at 8 o'clock preces Secord night of Re- Engagement of MR. MKS. W. J.

FLORENCE. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBEB 12:, Will be presented IRISHI ASSURANCE. Naucy Mr Mrs. Florence. "To be followed by the WORKING Farce called THE ORACLE, holly Doll a Mr.

Florence Mra. Florence. To couclude with G. N. Didred's GREAT SOUTHERN SHOW 1857, Charlotte Perry filed, in the office of the Clerk the Cours 0.

Common Pleas. witbin and fur the County praying Uuyshoga, for a and divorce; and al'eglug for causes, babi ual drunk: State of Obio, ber pethion againa! Jobo Perry, eness for three gross neglect of duty and extreme cruel. ty. CHARLOTTE PERKY, By CHARLES L. FISH, her Solicitor, wepti5-488-owd EVERYTHING NAW AND COMPLETE FOR THE YEIR 1857 CIRCUS, MENAGERIE AND HIPPODROME! OOMUINED.

king 11 all one of the Most Traveling. Magnificent Companies now WILL EXHIBIT AT CLEVELAND, Monday and Tuesday, ON THE October 19th 20th, Flats at Foot of Senceu St. Bridge. Doors open a and o'c'och P.M. Admisai.

60 Cuts; hildren under 12 25 cesta. CARD. G. N. that ELDRE) has sancunces that, as return ratronage ever owned his en rts, he for Las the 3 generous combined And eugaged the THREE world GREAT SHOWS, To FRANCONI HIPPODROME TROUPE! appear in Cot janction with the splendid Animal Exhibition and Southern Circus.

en'ed The Circes performers: Department courists in part of the following Tal. ni: 3: Mes ame 15. G. Franconi. N.

Eidred. Miss Robe ta, La l'etite Adeline Fra: cotelia. J. uzings and Hester. C.

Mous. Morris Mona. Franconi, Cos and the He sin, B. 1 Stevens. W.

Liter- -Masters John Four and Hungerian Brothers, with the JuvenJack saeders. rent The with Mauag.r the ce takes eb.ated great pleasure in announcing an Wit and Vocalist, and unrivaled Etluopian Comedian, BILL DONALDSON, Who sudie: will ce sp ear as C'lown in Negro Character. and amnre the Puns, a vi: conjunction ily of with origial Soi ga. Jokes, Witt cisne, the the 1 wo Great Clowns, S.ID LONG AND JIMMY REYNOLDS. Wild The and Menagerie Tawe 'd.

Animals partment from contains a rare collection of The follow 1g are part of the luteresting parts features of in the G. world N. El. did rent dred's Great Show: N. El M.

nod stevens in his in his celebrated unqualled acts of horsemansnip. Mr. Mr. troduce his beautiful performing four horse act, who will also inin Li: in erecting and a horse, Cha upion. Mr.

U. a pole thirty feet bigh, suppor ed by tonishivg More. feats with a Mons. chair on tello Wessler wi'l and de nirgs as the Vandesu Brothers introdure nia zlobe performance. The Four Mone.

Hunca. ('08- rimn then in Frothers in their truly wonderful ladder feats. lils ack ro act. More. Fraccont will introduce br.

John. bu; trained horses. The highly trained Elephant, Pizar. his ro, wil dog, Tea Berne, through and his the peculiar educated 6 Mule of will agility. The perform.

to the a'n tence. 9.80 be intro- ucrd a The Lame of Mous. C. VOLLANDT, lester of the gua autee for the superiority of that department. les FREE EXHIBITION.

MONS. ASCENSION, SUELAK ware will two make a grand feet lorg, TERRIFIC EVIAL dizxy height, outeide the tent, from the top of the centfe extended at a 1 he The gratuitous spectacle, (UT prie tor 'ed to a community probably the who most starling that h-8 ever been a'. ALL. is and FRIE positive to exhibited every day admire courage and skill, and will (C1 that the weather will permit. ANNUAL COURSE BEFORE THE OF LECTURES.

Cleveland Library Association. ly The annouvce Lecture that the Committee of this Association would respectful delived by Opening Lecture of their course will be EDWARD EVERETT, On TUESDAY EVENING, The proceeds OCTOBER 13tb, 16'7. Subjer this lecture will be er tirely 'The devoted to the fund for the purchase of Mt Ver OR. ered by regular course will consist of eight lec; res, to be del. the followibg gertleman Oct.

2u I'ror Rev. Henry Namuel St. Johas. Cleveland, 0. 29 Ward Branklyn, N.

Y. Nov. 10 Ge: Kev. rge John D. Lor Prentice.

Louisville, Ky. 17 ReV M. D. Stam'crd, Dec. 1.

24 B. Rev. P. Sail William aber. Boston.

(Mre. Conway, Cincinnati, 0. 15 Rev. F. I.

Chapin, Eustisa, New Hav.n, Cort To be followed by lectures from New York Bishop Star Verna King Rev. Frar cia Vinton, D. D. of Brooklyd; Hopkins, T. of Boston.

The Lecture Committee have endeavored to make all the ep ements positive, and they hold letters from each of the above gentleRian promising to be here without tail. Tickets to Everett's Lecture 20 centa, I. M. BIGELOW. Lecture Cleveland, Oct.

6tb, 1857, A. G. RIDDLE oct7 q71-dim C. COBB Orminitte. S.

0. GRISWOL D.J Third Annual Course of Lectures, BEFORE THE YOUNG DEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Lecture Committee of this Associa of the': Unn Third would Course, respectfully will announce that the opening Lectur Le delivered by Rer. WARD BEECHES, On Wednesday rening, October 21at. The Course will coneist of EIGHT LECTURE, to be do livered by tue following gentlemen: lyn.

Subject Not. HENRY WARD BEECHER, of Bro Subject Nov. 5th Rev. Amer DUDLEY ca." A. TYNG.

of ANDKEW L. STONE, of Boston. Sus ect lege, Dec Fbiladelphia 11. Subject: ALLEN, LL. President of Girard Cot nati.

D.c 17th. Rev. SAMUEJ, W. FISHER, D. of Cinda Heroism." Dec.

Subject: Jetterson and Hamilton. Slavery 29h. and Rev. B. ANDERSON, D.

D. In Great Britain of Jan. new 14th Dork. and 16:0. Subject -E.

L. ANS. Prof. of Chemistry. Livut The Chemistry of the Sunbeamn." which MAURY is expected to Les ture during the winter, in tures.

event the course will consist of nine inetead of eight Les D. W. BROOK Jr.) Lecture C. PROCTOR, W. PALMER, Committe, J.


Will be kept constantly on hand for wholesale and rets? trade. Orders left with D. W. CRuSH, No. 8 Union street.

(Carton Rouse Building,) or at the Dock, in front of Jonson Tie. dale's Dry Dock, West Side, will receive prompt attention. A Coal 6m delivered in any part of City. PERRY, CROSS CO. A I A A FORMERLY BALLOU'S.

now under the charge of Fred rick Haltnorth, and all 89' plications for itstu tort alls, parties, Maira and exhibitions may be to him at the William Tell House. Front Street, till the fret of January next, when ther can b- made at the ifa'l. The lIall is the largest and best in the city, has several receptine, sur per and wardrobe rooms connected with it. It prime order and will be maintained in good etyle. HALTNORTH.

MERINOS, PLAID Merince, Coburze, Alpacras, Bombazines-uery cheap at MORGAN ROOT'S. in the way Domestic Goods can always be found at the pep19 140 Superior Streut. OITY MILLS A STORE, ELEGANT FIGURED, MERINOES and in Solid IN Colors at STRIPES, sept 7 BEST, FREEMAN (O. $6000 able 18 Residence BUY on A Euclid VERY street, near DESIR ErieA randaome 9 at ry Brick Inure with large lot. is offered at the above very lQw price, if applied for humediately.

ALSO: A FINE FARM of 167 acres in Willoughby. Good well watered and impraved. with fine orchard of grafted tres and a good farm house and barn. VERY CHEAP at acre. ROUSE JENNINGS, aep22 Real Estate Agent.

New Discovery for Failing Eyesight. TORRISI. OPTICIAN, FRANKLIN the in the MOLE AGENT in the West for the newly invented, and by many European and American Scientide Institutes approved, PANTASCOPIC GLASSES, Exceling in purity of the material, beauty of their transparen (y. and in the spberical accuracy, any otuers in use. By thet cuindrical shape, ground according to the rules of optics, they do not occasion any pain or fatigue to weak (ya, and in etre TR eyes a frequent change of Glasses is obviate AR DO distortion incident can take ace in the new method of there improve Glasses.

PANTASCOPIC GLASSES fi to frances at short vouce. geol MILLINERY. assurtment of Fall and Winter Fats, and a full stock of MILLINERY GOODS. at MORGAN RIOTS. BUSINESS everything CARDS, in he line of Card FORWARDING Printing, at PLAIN DEALER JOR OFFICE.

CROGAN, OF HARTFORD is hereby notifad that the Trustees of Rockpo uyahoga Co. uty. Ohio, will In. et cn Weduesday, S.ptemD 30th, to locate ditch through his land. sep15-3w RICHARD WHITEHEAD.

GEIB'S NEW MODEL PIANO FORTE have just opened another let of these favorite Instru mente, which we offer to purchasers at unusally low ratce. HOLBROOK STANLEY, Atwater Building. FLANNELS being FOR opened by CHILDREN'S WEAR E. I. BALDWIN CO.


The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.